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(note:  herbs/plants ref. w/"The English Physitian", Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. -- where possible.)

or   (Botanical.com, A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. Grieve)


"...And if it be difficult, you cannot mistake, if you use a Quadrant or some such instrument..."


"... Archelaus the General, for Mithridates made trial of it in a wooden tower against Sylla, which he attempted in vain to set on fire.  Which I find observed by Quadrigarius, in his Annals..."


"...Among four-footed beasts, a Dog, a Goat, a Swine, an Ass, be most lascivious, among birds, Partridge, Quails, Dove, Sparrows..."

"...Wherefore, when Quail feed on Black Hellebour, they put those that feed on them into so great danger of their lives, that they swell and suffer convulsions, and are subject to Vertigo..."


"...And into every Peck and a half of Olives, put a Quart and somewhat more of whole Salt..."

"...And into five Pecks of Olives, you must put in four Gallons and two Quarts of Brine, and two Pints and a half of Vinegar..."

Quatrain Ague   

"...The Lion being sick of a Quatrain auge, eats and devours Ape, and so is healed..."


Quicklime - Calcium oxide; unslacked lime; -- so called because when wet it develops great heat.

See:  Lime

"...The way to make it is thus, Take quick Brimstone, Saltpeter refined, of each a like weight.  Camphire the double weight to Quicklime..."

"...Wolfs Bane kills wolves and many other wild beasts, and it is so called from the effect.  Mountebanks make venome thus;  Take black Hellebore, two ounces, Yew leaves, one ounce, beech rind, glass, Quicklime, yellow Arsenic, of each one ounce and half..."


"...that if you take Quicksets, or any branches that you would plant, and get out the Pith of them with some Earpicker, or any like instrument made of bone..."


(See  Talk, Mercury)

"...The chief and essential things that are of force to endue brass with a whiter color, are these. Arsenic or Oker, that kind of Quicksilver that is sublimated, as the alchemists call it, the foam or froth of silver, which is called by the Greeks, Lithargyron..."

 "...Wherefore upon this Foil you shall wipe over with Quicksilver, by the means of a Hare's foot, that it may appear all as Silver..."


"... Kill a Peacock, either by thrusting a Quill into his brain from above, or else cut his throat, as you do for young Kids, that the blood may come forth..."


"The English Physitian", Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. --"The Ordinary Quince-tree groweth often to the height and bigness of a reasonable Apple tree, but more usually lower and crooked with a rough Bark, spreading Arms and Branches far abroad. The Leavs are somwhat like those of the Apple-tree, but thicker, harder, and fuller of Veins, and white on the under side, not dented at all about the edges. The Flowers are large and white, somtimes dash'd over with a Blush: The Fruit that followeth is yellow, being neer ripe, and covered with a white Freez or Cotton, thick set on the yonger, and growing les as they grow to be through ripe; bunched out often times in some places, some being liker an Apple and some a Pear, of a strong heady scent, and not durable to keep, and is sowr, harsh, and of an unpleasant tast to eat fresh, but being scalded, roasted, baked, or preserved, becometh more pleasant.

"...For as we may shape young fruits as they grow, into the fashion of any vessel or case that we make for them to grow into, as we may make a Quince like a mans head, a Cucumber like a snake, by making a case of that fashion for them to grow in, so also we may do ty the births of living creatures..."

"...Quinces are of many kinds, some called Mariana from Marius, Manliana from Manlius, Appiana Claudiana from Appius Claudius, Cestiana from Cestius. Their varieties have made the authors names immortal..."


"...I have found no better or surer way to preserve Quince-pears, says  Columella, then by gathering them that were very ripe and sound, and without any blemish, at such time as the air was temperate, and the Moon in the waning..."


"...The juice of black Chamaelion kills heifers by a Quincy.  Wherefore some call it Ulophonon..."


"...It helps the Quinsie.  By anointing the Reins of the back and the belly, or by drinking the water or Oil in Wine, it will break the Stone and bring it down, and assuages Poison..."


Quintessence - The fifth or last and highest essence or power in a natural body. The ancient Greeks recognised four elements, fire, air, water, and earth. The Pythagoreans added a fifth and called it nether, the fifth essence, which they said flew upward at creation and out of it the stars were made. The alchemists sometimes considered alcohol, or the ferment oils, as the fifth essence. An extract from anything, containing its rarest virtue, or most subtle and essential constituent in a small quantity; pure or concentrated essence.

"... The Paracelsians define a Quintessence to be the form, or spirit, or virtue, or life, separated from the gross and elementary impurities of the body.  I call it the life, because it cannot be extracted out of the bones, flesh, marrow, blood, and other members.  For wanting life, they want also the Quintessence..."

"...For Wine is of itself subject to Putrefaction many ways.  But when it is often Distilled, that the Quintessence is extracted from it, this extraction is free from all Putrefaction whatsoever..."


"...The Quintiles say you must take Panniers or earthen pots, and put into them some fine sifted earth mixed with Dung, that it may be somewhat liquid, and preventing the ordinary season, you must plant therein Cucumber seeds about the beginning of spring, and when the Sun shines, or that there is any heat or rain, they bring the Panniers forth into the air..."

 The Quintiles report of Aristotle, that, by covering the Almond tree root with Swine Dung, in March, of a bitter one it becomes sweet


"...And the same defense Quintilian uses on the behalf of a woman, who being her self fair, had brought forth a black-moor, which was supposed by all men to be her slaves son..."


"...Quintilius ways is, when they grow fat, you shall break dry wild radish in small pieces, and tempering them with water, give them this to drink for twenty days..."  


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