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(note:  herbs/plants ref. w/"The English Physitian", Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. -- where possible.)

or   (Botanical.com, A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. Grieve)


(See:  Jean Bodin)

"...A certain Frenchman in his book called "Daemonomania" ( terms me a Magician, a Conjurer, and thinks this book of mine, long since printed, should be burned, because I have written of the "Fairies Ointment," which I set forth only in detestation of the frauds of devils and witches..."


Daffodil - A plant of the genus Narcissus, of several species. These have a bulbous root, and beautiful flowers of various colors, white, yellow and purple.

See:  Asphodils, Navews, Round-heads

"... Pliny, the Daffodil is eaten with the seed and head terrified.  But this roasted in the embers as Hesiod affirms, is eaten with oil also braised with figs, it is eaten with great pleasure.  These round-heads are like to Navews of moderate bigness..."

"...Moreover, if you put the root of Daffodils into Wine, and pour this often on the head, being shaved, it will make the hair curl the more, as the same author says ( Pliny)..."


Daisy - A plant of the genus Bellis, of several varieties. The blue daisy belongs to the genus Globularia, as does the globe daisy; the greater or ox-eye daisy belongs to the genus Chrysanthemum; and the middle daisy, to the Doronicum.

"...By this means, it is thought that Daisies of diverse kinds were first brought forth, such as are to be seen with golden leaves, reddish about the edge, nay, some of them are so meddled with diverse colors, that they resemble little shreds of silk patched together..."

Dalachampius / Dalachampas   

"...Athenaus in his ninth Book of Dipnosophist (Dalachampius translates it more elegantly) saying;  There was a Hog brought to us, that was half of it well roasted, and half of it was soft boiled in water..."

"... The Hog was killed, as Dalachampas translates it, with a small wound under his shoulder..."


Dam - A female parent; used of beasts, particularly of quadrupeds.

"...And among the rest, the Wolf often meets and couples with her, and from them is generated the beast Thoes, which resembles the Dam in the spots of his skin, but in his looks he resembles the sire..."

"...But Aristotle says that bird Eggs and Eggs of forefooted beasts are ripened by the incubation of the Dam..."


"...Damascen reports, that a certain young woman brought forth a child that was all hairy, and searching out the reason thereof, he found the hairy image of John the Baptist in her chamber, which she was wont to look upon..."

Damask Knives   

Damask - To adorn steel-work with figures. Damask-steel, is a fine steel from the Levant, chiefly from Damascus, used for sword and cutlas blades.

"...Now while I set down these operations very pleasant, namely, how Damask Knives may be made to recover their marks that are worn out, and how the same marks may be made upon other knives..."

Damask Roses   

Damask Rose - A species of rose which is red, and another which is white.

See:  Rose

"...Take three pounds of Damask Roses, as much of Musk and red Roses, two of the flowers of Orange, as many of Myrtle, half a pound of Garden claver, an ounce and a half of Cloves, three Nutmegs, ten Lilies..."

Damageron  \ Damigeron           

"...a Nut without a shell may be produced, as Damageron teaches..."

"...Oil of Turpentine ...As Damageron teaches.  The fruit of Turpentine is ground in a mill, as the olives are, and pressed out, and so it sends forth oil.  The Kernels within serve to feed Hogs and to burn..."

"...were excellent Magicians: as, amongst the Persians, Zoroastres the son of Orimafius, whom we spoke of before, amongst the Romans, Numa Pompilius; Thespion, amongst the Gymnosophists; Zamolxis, amongst the Thracians: Abbarais, amongst the Hyperboreans; Hermes, amongst the Egyptians and Budda among the Babylonians. Besides these, Apuleius reckons up Carinondas, Damigeron, Hifmoses, Apollonius, and Dardanus, who all followed Zoroastres and Osthanes. .."


Damon - a legendary Sicilian who pledges his life for his condemned friend Pythias.

 "...Damon relates of a Poison in Ethiopia, whose sweat would bring a Consumption in all bodies it touched.  And it is manifest, that all women which have two pupils in one eye, can Bewitch with it.  Cicero writes of them..."


"...While the Damosin trees were very tender and dainty, we fastened two of them together, which were planted near to each other, as sailors plat and tie their cables..."

"... I have often engrafted it upon that kind of Damosin tree which bears a Plum like a Goat's stone both in shape and greatness, (it may be it is our Scag tree) and by this means I procured great Apricots..."


Daphnis - A Sicilian shepherd and son of Hermes who was famed as a musician and reputed to be the inventor of pastoral poetry.

"...If you hang those in moonlight, that were killed in the night, they will grow more tender by boiling.  For the moon has great virtue to make flesh tender, for it is but a kind of corruption.  Therefore wood, cut by moonlight, will sooner grow rotten, and fruit sooner grow ripe.  Daphnis the Physition in Athenaus..."


Dardanus - The founder of Troy.

"...were excellent Magicians: as, amongst the Persians, Zoroastres the son of Orimafius, whom we spoke of before, amongst the Romans, Numa Pompilius; Thespion, amongst the Gymnosophists; Zamolxis, amongst the Thracians: Abbarais, amongst the Hyperboreans; Hermes, amongst the Egyptians and Budda among the Babylonians. Besides these, Apuleius reckons up Carinondas, Damigeron, Hifmoses, Apollonius, and Dardanus, who all followed Zoroastres and Osthanes. .."


Darius - Several kings of ancient PERSIA. Darius I (the Great), d. 486 B.C. (r.521-486 B.C.), was one of the most able of the ACHAEMENIDS. He perfected a highly efficient system of administration. Around 500 B.C., when the Ionian cities rebelled against Persian rule, Darius put down the rebels and set out to punish the Greek city-states that had aided the insurrection. He met defeat in the memorable battle of MARATHON (490 B.C.); however, he consolidated Persian power in the East. He also continued Cyrus the Great's policy of restoring the Jewish state.

"... Herodotus mentions it from Hestiaus, who was the author of it.  He being born in Asia, when of noble place, when Darius ruled, when he was with the King in Persia, ans would privately write to Aristagoras to fall from him..."


Dart - A pointed missile weapon to be thrown by the hand; a short lance.

"...When the Hart is wounded by the Cretians, they seek out the Herb Dittany, and presently the Darts fallout of their bodies..."

"... But in compositions for Arrows and Darts, that they might burn the more vehemently,they put melted Vernish, Printer's Oil, Petroleum, Turpentine, made up with the sharpest Vinegar, pressed close, and dried at the Sun, and wrapped over with Tow, and with sharp Irons to defend it, wrought together like to a bottom of Yarn. .."


Date - The fruit of the great palm-tree, or date-tree, the Phoenix dactylifera. This fruit is somewhat in the shape of an acorn, composed of a thin light glossy membrane, somewhat pellucid and yellowish, containing a soft pulpy fruit, firm and sweet, esculent and wholesome, and in this is inclosed a hard kernel.

"...the Palm, or Date tree, and the Damosin tree will grow to be of a larger and better size..."

"...If you preserve and lay up an Dates or Palms, says he (Theophrastus), you must make choice of those which grow in sandy grounds, as in that country which is called Syria..."


"...The weight Davic, with Serpents fat, and juice of metals, given one to drink, will make him mad, and make him run out of his house, country and nation.  And this it does by exaggeration of black Melancholy..."


See:  Jackdaw

Daw - A fowl of the genus Corvus,thievish and mischievous to the farmer.

"...And then they bind the tree about with a kind of Broom Withes, that the