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(note:  herbs/plants ref. w/"The English Physitian", Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. -- where possible.)

or   (Botanical.com, A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. Grieve)


Mace - A kind of spice; the aril which partly covers nutmegs.

See :  Nutmeg.

"...Oil of Mace and Pepper..."

"...Take four pounds of Rose water, two of orange flowers, one of myrtle, three ounces of sweet Trifoil, one of Lavender .  Add to these, two ounces of Benjamin, one of Storax, the quantity of bean of Labdanum, as much of Mace and Cloves, a drachm of Cinnamon, Sanders, and Lignum Aloes, an ounce of Spikenard..."

Macerate /  Maceration                    

Macerate - To soften by steeping in a liquid, with or without heat; to wear away or separate the parts of by steeping; as, to macerate animal or vegetable fiber.

"...Macerate the leaves of Mastick, Sage, Rosemary, and Bramble, in Greek-Wine.  Then Distill it with a gentle fire through a Retort..."

"...Nay further also, even out of very roots and barks of trees, and rotten seeds, pounded and buried, and there Macerated with water, we have brought forth in a manner the very same herbs, as out of an Oaken root, the herb Polypody, and Oak-fern, and Splenewort..."

Macrobious  / Macrobius           

Macrobius - fl. c. 430, Latin writer and philosopher. His Saturnalia, a dialogue in seven books chiefly concerned with a literary evaluation of Vergil, incorporates valuable quotations from other writers. He also wrote a commentary on Cicero's Dream of Scipio, which was popular in the Middle Ages and influenced Chaucer.

"...For God the first cause and beginner of things, as Macrobious says, of his own fruitfulness has created and brought forth a Spirit, the Spirit brought forth a Soul, (but the truth of Christianity, says otherwise)..."

"... Macrobius reports, 3. Lib. Satur., that Cincius in his oration, where he persuades to put the practise Fannius his law, concerning moderation of expense, did object to the men of his age, that they brought the Trojan Hog to their tables..."


Madder: - The stalks of the Madder are so weak that they often lie along the ground, preventing the plant from rising to its maximum height of 8 feet. The stalks are prickly, and the whorls of leaves at the joints have spines along the midrib on the underside, a feature that the French turn to advantage by using them for polishing metal-work.

See:  Cliver

"... Red Madder makes the Urine red, says Dioscorides.  We may read also, that if you hold it long in your hand, it will color your Urine..."

"...Then Bruise the roots of Celendine, and of the greater Clivers Madder, of each a like quality..."


"...We read also that Maga, having possession of Paretonium, agreed with the watch, that at night in the evening, and again in the morning betimes, they should set up the light that was for confederacy..."


Magician - One skilled in magic/magick; one who practices the old science, "natural" arts; an enchanter; a necromancer; a sorcerer or sorceress; a conjurer.

"...Porphyry and Apuleius, great Platonicks, in an oration made in the defense of Magick, do witness, that Magick took her name and original form from Persia. Tully, in his book of Divination, says, that in the Persian language, a Magician is nothing else but one that expounds and studies divine things..."

"...Even so the Magician, when once he knows which and what kinds of matters nature has partly framed, and partly art has perfected, and gathered together, such as are fit to receive influence from above, these matters especially does he prepare and compound together, at such a time as such an influence reigns, and by this means does gain to himself the virtues and forces of heavenly bodies..."


Magick - "Natural" Philosophy/Arts,  Old science/Wisdom.

"...The Platonicks termed Magick to be the attraction or fetching out of one thing from another, by a certain affinity of Nature..."

"...Porphyry and Apuleius, great Platonicks, in an oration made in the defense of Magick, do witness, that Magick took her name and original form from Persia. Tully, in his book of Divination, says, that in the Persian language, a Magician is nothing else but one that expounds and studies divine things..."

MagisteryMagisteries / Magister      

Magistery - A precipitate; a fine substance deposited by precipitation; applied in old chemistry to certain white precipitates from metallic solutions; as, magistery of bismuth.

"...What Magisteries are, and the Extraction of them..."

"...On the contrary, a Magistery takes the temper of the elements.  So, that it neither extracts the Spirits nor the  Tinctures, but a certain mean between both.  A Magistery therefore, is what can be extracted out of things without separation of the elements..."

Magistery of Wine    

Magistery - A precipitate; a fine substance deposited by precipitation; applied in old chemistry to certain white precipitates from metallic solutions; as, magistery of bismuth.

See:  Magistery, Spirit of Wine

"...The Magistery of Wine, commonly called the Spirit of Wine..."

Magnes (Magnetite)  

See Loadstone

"...Plato in Ione writes, that Empedocles called this stone "Magnes", but Lucretius from the country of Magnesia..."

"... Nicander thinks the stone so called, and so does Pliny from him, from one Magnes, a shepard.   For it is reported that he found it by his hobnailed shoes, and his shepherds-crook that it stuck to, when he fed his flocks in Ida, where he was a shepard.  But I think it is called Maganes, as you should say Magnus, only one letter changed..."


Olaus Magnus - Swedish historian and geographer, b. at Skeninge, Sweden, 1490; d. at Rome, 1 Aug., 1558 He belonged to the old and noble family of Store (i.e. great, magnus), and pursued his studies from 1510 to 1517 in Germany. His works, which mark him as one of the most important geographers of the Renaissance period, were published in Italy.

"...Olaus Magnus, in the description of the North-countries of Europe, reports that about Scotland, there be certain birds generated of the fruit of a tree..."

"... Olaus Magnus reports, that there are mountains of it in the North, and they draw so forcibly, that they have ships made fast by great spikes of wood, lest they should draw out the iron nails as the ships that pass between these rocks of Loadstone ..."

Albertus Magnus   

Albertus Magnus 1206-1280, German scholastic scientist; the preeminent medieval man of science; teacher of Thomas Aquinas.

"...Also, I read in many maen of great authority, that Albertus Magnus made a head that speaks.  Yet to speak the truth, I give little credit to that man, because all I made trial of from him, I found to be false, but what he took from other men..."


"Mago the Carthaginian"

"...Pomegranates may be preserved, As  Columella reports out of Mago the Carthaginian, if first you warm them in Seawater, and then smear them with some chalk, and when they are dry, hang them up in some cold place..."

"...Mago, when he would preserve any kind of fruit close, he covers them all over very carefully with Potters Chalk, and then dries it in the Sun.  And if  there happens to be any Chap in the Mould, he closes it up with Loam..."

Mahomets  (Prophet Mohammed, pbuh)  

Mohammed - an Arab prophet and the founder of Islam (570-632 A.D.).

"...The Greeks say, that in the Temple of Serapis, that is vaulted at Alexandria, there was a Loadstone set, that held a statue of Brass in the air, for it had a piece of Iron in the head of it.  But that is false, that Mahomets chest hangs by the roof of the Temple.  Petrus Pellgrinus says, he showed in another work how that it might be done..."


Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon; or Rambam, from the initials of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon), 1135-1204, was physician to the Sultan Saladin and communal leader of Egyptian Jewry, as well as an important figure in the codification of Jewish law. His formulation of the basic principles of Judaism in a series of 13 creedal affirmations, in the hope of clarifying the differences between Judaism and both Islam and Christianity, occasioned great controversy when it was first composed; it has since been accepted widely and incorporated into most Jewish prayer books. His Mishneh Torah (Second Law; often known in English as the Strong Hand), an organization of Jewish oral law, also became enmeshed in controversy, partly because of its rigorously systematic rearrangements of traditional rabbinic law, and partly because Maimonides did not indicate the sources on which he based his decisions concerning correct interpretations, thus seeming to claim excessive authority for himself.

Maidenhair/Maidenhair tree                

Maidenhair - A fern of the genus Adiantum (A. pedatum), having very slender graceful stalks and is sometimes used in medicine. The name is also applied to other species of the same genus, as to the Venus-hair. Maiden grass, the smaller quaking grass.

See:  Ginko

"...The Doves, for a preservative against enchantments, first gather some little Bay tree boughs, and then lay them upon their nests, to preserve their young, so do the Kites use White Brambles, the turtles Swordgrass, the Crows Withy, the Lapwings Venus-hair, the Ravens Ivy, the hens Carrot, the Partridges Reed-leaves, the Blackbirds Myrtle, the Larks grass, the Swans Park-leaves, the Eagle uses Maidenhair, or the stone Etites for the same purpose..."

"...Take Saxifrage, Maidenhair, Pellitory of the wall, Parsley, Pimpernel and Ceterach.  Distill them in Balneo Mariae, and let the patient drink of it every other day.  For it corrodes and eats away the Stone, though never so great..."


See:  Apple

"...Damosin that has in it the substance of an Apple, which of late was called by the Spaniards Malina, which come of a Damosin grafted into an Apple tree..."


"...There are also soft juices and herbs, and fat, as Mallons, Bean pods, and suchlike, that can soften Iron..."

Mallow /  Mallows                   

Mallows - Are plants of several genera in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus Malva comprises about 30 species of annual, biennial, or perennial herbs native to Europe, North Africa, and temperate Asia. These plants are characterized by flowers with five typically heart-shaped petals, five sepals, and three small bracts below the sepals. The stamens of the flower are united into a tube around the elongated pistil, and their anthers are clustered below the pistil's few to many stigmatic lobes.

"... Moreover, it makes them clean and white, and shining like pearls.  I know a man, who by this only recipe, gained great riches.  Take therefore three handfuls of Sage, Nettles, Rosemary, Mallows, and the rind of the roots of Walnut..."

"..So do the flowers of Succory and of Mallows. Likewise the pulse called Lupines, still looks after the Sun, that it may not writhe his stalk; and this watches the Sun's motion so duly..."


"...a handful of Sowthistle, Scordium, Betony, Scabious, and a half of Mercury precipitate.  A pint of Malmetry, a quart of the waters of Sowthistle, and Scabious.  Mix the Wine and waters, and lay the Guaiacum in it a day, and then the rest..."  ("A preservation against the Pox,")


Malmsey - A kind of sweet wine from Crete, the Canary Islands.

"...Steep Kidney Beans in Malmsey, one day.  Then take away the black whence they sprout, and Distil them with Lemons and Honey..


Maltha - . A variety of bitumen, viscid and tenacious, like pitch, unctuous to the touch, and exhaling a bituminous odor.

See:  Bitumen

 "...Another kind is, that men call Maltha ..." (Bitumen)


Mandrake, Mandragora officinarum, is an old European medicinal plant of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Because its thick root is often forked, suggesting human legs, and frequently has additional side roots, appearing to be arms, many superstitions have been associated with the mandrake.

"...When bears have tasted the fruit of the Mandrake, they eat pismires against the poison thereof..."

"...Dioscorides says, that men will presently fall asleep in the very same posture when they drink Mandrake, losing all their senses for three or four hours after, and that physitions do use it, when they would burn or cut off a member..."


See:  Wine

"...Hippocras Wine...Take the sweetest Wine, we call it commonly, Mangiaguerra, and into four vials full of that, pour in two pounds of beaten sugar, four ounces of Cinnamon , Pepper, and Grains of Paradise, one ounce and a half.  Let them infuse one day. ..."

Manganess  (Manganese)  

Manganese - An element obtained by reduction of its oxide, as a hard, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty, but easily oxidized. Its ores occur abundantly in nature as the minerals pyrolusite, manganite, etc. Symbol Mn. Atomic weight 54.8. &hand; An alloy of manganese with iron (called ferromanganese) is used to increase the density and hardness of steel. It colors glass violet, and is used as a decolorizer to remove the green tint of impure glass. Manganese bronze, an alloy made by adding from one to two per cent of manganese to the copper and zinc used in brass.

"...How to Counterfeit the color of Amethist. To a pound of Crystal, put a dram of that they call Manganess, and so the color is made..."

"...To a pound of Glass, you must add a Drachm of Manganess, for so it will be of the color of a Lion.  Then add a Drachm of Zaphara, and the mixture witll turn black.  Make often trial, if it be of a dark purple or violet color..."


See:  Quince

"...Quinces are of many kinds, some called Mariana from Marius, Manliana from Manlius, Appiana Claudiana from Appius Claudius, Cestiana from Cestius..."


Manilius - Astrologer.  Wrote books containing a System of the Ancient Astronomy and Astrology. Together with the Philosophy of the Stoics.

"...as Jupiter and Venus love all Planets save Mars and Saturn, Venus agrees with Mars, where no other plant agrees with him. There also is another disagreement among them, which rises from the oppositions and elevations of their houses. For even the twelve signs are both at concord and at discord among themselves, as Manilius the Poet has shown..."


See:  Quince

"...Quinces are of many kinds, some called Mariana from Marius, Manliana from Manlius, Appiana Claudiana from Appius Claudius, Cestiana from Cestius..."


Manure - To apply manure to; to enrich, as land, by the application of a fertilizing substance. To cultivate by manual labor; to till; hence, to develop by culture.

"...What fruit does grow in moist and watery hollow and low grounds, as also those which grow in such grounds as are much soiled and Manured with fat Muck..."


Marble -  A massive, compact limestone; a variety of calcite, capable of being polished and used for architectural and ornamental purposes. The color varies from white to black, being sometimes yellow, red, and green, and frequently beautifully veined or clouded. The name is also given to other rocks of like use and appearance, as serpentine or verd antique marble, and less properly to polished porphyry, granite, etc.

"...For she procured a white boy carved of Marble, well proportioned in every way, and him she had always before her eyes..."

 "...I have often know the Ophites, or Serpentine Marble applied to the head, both take away, and mollify the pain..."


"... Marbodeus says, it ("Loadstone") grows among the Proglodites and Indians. .."

"... Marbodeus of the Loadstone:

All Loadstones by their virtue Iron draw;

But of the Diamond it stands in awe:

Taking the Iron from't by Natures Law...."


"...Ammianus Marcellinus described Firedarts, a kind of weapon made after such a fashion.  It is an arrow of cane, joined with many irons between the shaft and the head, and they are make hollow after the fashion of a womans Distaff..."


Marcellus, Marcus Claudius (?)

The Roman general Marcus Claudius Marcellus, c.268-208 BC, won distinction in the Punic Wars and was elected consul five times. He waged war against the Insubres in Gaul, defeating their chief in single combat (222), and held off Hannibal three times at Nola (216, 214). Marcellus conquered Syracuse in 211, outwitting Archimedes' brilliantly engineered defenses. After defeating a Carthaginian force near Himera, he returned to Rome before entering the field against Hannibal once again near Venosa, where he died in battle.

"...And Pliny says, that if you lay a duck to the griping of ones belly, she takes away the disease, and dies of it herself, and Marcellus writes, that it is good for one that is so troubled, to eat the flesh of the duck. .."

"...We read that he set the Roman Navy on fire, when Marcellus besieged Syracuse, his Country..."


"...The Marchasite or Fire-stone, the Lees of wine, that kind of Salt which is found in Africa under the sand, when the Moon is full, which is commonly called by the name of Al-hali, Saltpeter, and lastly Alome..."

 "...In like manner, if you melt in a vessel that has holes in the bottom of it, and melt with it Lead, and the Marchasite or Fire-stone, and Arsenic and such other things we spoke of before in our experiments of Brass..."


Marchpane - A kind of sweet bread or biscuit; a cake of pounded almonds and sugar.

"...This art is noble, and much set by, by kings and great men.  For it teaches to make waters, oils, powders, marchpanes, fumes, and to make sweet skins that shall hold their scent for a long time.."


Mare - The female of the horse and other equine quadrupeds.

"...A Dog and a Wolf, a Lion and a Panther, an Ass and a Horse, a Partridge and a Hen, are of one bigness, and therefore may couple together, but a Horse and a Dog, or a Mare and an Elephant, or a Hen and a Sparrow cannot..."

"...In Mysia, when Horses back Mares, a man sings to them as it were a marriage song, and the mares are so taken with the Music, that they become great with foal, and they bring forth most gallant Colts..."


See:  Quince

"...Quinces are of many kinds, some called Mariana from Marius, Manliana from Manlius, Appiana Claudiana from Appius Claudius, Cestiana from Cestius..."


"... Marianus the deputy opposed him.  And there being a fight at sea, by an engine made by Proclus a most excellent man, for he then was famous for his philosophy and Mathematicks..."


Marigold - A name for several plants with golden yellow blossoms, especially the Calendula officinalis (see Calendula), and the cultivated species of Tagetes.

"...Tinctures of Marigolds, Violets, Bugloss, and Succory flowers..."

"...The Tincture of Marigolds will be yellow.  Of Bugloss, Violets, and Succory flowers red.  Because the colors of those flowers, is but thin and superficiary.  So that it expires with little heat, and is red underneath..."


Mariner - One whose occupation is to assist in navigating ships; a seaman or sailor.

"...For it will hardly take upon foul and rusty Iron.  Wherefore Mariners make it of pure Steel.  For Steel is made of the best Iron..."

Mariners Card  

See: Mariners Compass

"... Flavius says, an Italian found it out first, whose name was Amalphus, born in our Campania.  But he knew not the Mariners Card, but stuck the Needle in a reed, or a piece of wood, cross over..."

 "...It is a common opinion among Seamen, that Onions and Garlic are at odds with the Loadstone.  And Steersmen, and such as tend the Mariners Card are forbidden to eat Onions or Garlic, lest they make the Index of the Poles drunk..."

Mariners Compass    

Mariners Compass - An instrument for directing or ascertaining the course of ships at sea, consisting of a circular box, containing a paper card marked with the thirty two points of direction, fixed on a magnetic needle, that always points to the north, the variation excepted. The needle with the card turns on a pin in the center of the box. In the center of the needle is fixed a brass conical socket or cap, by which the card hanging on the pin turns freely round the center. The box is covered with glass, to prevent the motion of the card from being disturbed by the wind.

 "...There are many more ways to prove it, for letting it hang equally, as in the Mariners Compass, for where it can move of itself freely, it still directs to the same points.  And you may do the same if you hang it by a small thread..."

"...And to a friend that is at a far distance from us, and safe shut up in prison, we may relate our minds, which I doubt not may be done by two Mariners Compass, having the alphabet written about them..."

"... The Needle in the Mariners Compass will move above, as if there were no body between them.  St. August ne Lib. de civitate Dei, knew this experiment..."


"...The fruit of the Foeminipara is like the moss of an Olive tree, the fruit of the Maripara is double like a man's Stones..."


"...Some Herbs are good for procreation of a male, and some of a female, as the Herb which is called Marisica, and Foeminipara, both are like each other..."

Marius Maximus   

"...He reports that he say such a tree in the Orchard of Marius Maximus, and tasting the fruit thereof, he thought with himself that he felt the relish of an Olive-berrie and a grape kernal both together..."


A genus of mintlike plants (Origanum) comprising about twenty-five species. The sweet marjoram (O. Majorana) is pecularly aromatic and fragrant, and much used in cookery

"...And to be short, in the same manner are extracted the oils out of the seeds of Carrot, Angelica, Marjoram, Rue, Rosemary, Parsley, Smallage and Dill, and suchlike..."

"...Take two pounds of Rosewater, of Lavender half one, of Cretan Wine thirteen Drachms, of the flowers of Gilliflowers, Roses, Rosemary, Jasmine, the leaves of Marjoram, wild Betony, Savory, Fennel, and Basil Gentle, half a pound..."

Marle  / Marl   

Marl - A mixed earthy substance, consisting of carbonate of lime, clay, and sand, in very varivble proportions, and accordingly designated as calcareous, clayey, or sandy.

"...He steeped it in white Marle, and covered the roots of it with the same Morter for eight days together, and it brought forth white berries..."


Marrow - The tissue which fills the cavities of most bones; the medulla. In the larger cavities it is commonly very fatty, but in the smaller cavities it is much less fatty, and red or reddish in color.

"...Pliny received it of many reports, that Snakes gendered of the Marrow of men's backs..."

"...But I for my part must needs hold both against Theophrastus and against others also that have written of Husbandry, both that trees may live after their Marrow is taken out from them, and also that they will bring forth fruit having stones or kernels in them..."


Mars - One of the planets of the solar system, the fourth in order from the sun, or the next beyond the earth, having a diameter of about 4,200 miles, a period of 687 days, and a mean distance of 141,000,000 miles. It is conspicuous for the redness of its light.

"..Yes, even in Heaven itself, as Jupiter and Venus love all Planets save Mars and Saturn, Venus agrees with Mars, where no other plant agrees with him..."

Marsh Mallow   

See Mallow

Bruise Marsh-Mallow roots with hog grease, and let them boil long in wine.  Then add Cummin seed well bruised, Mastick, and yolks of eggs, well boiled.

Mathematical Science      

"...And I shall first divide them into Natural and Mathematical Sciences, and I shall begin with the Natural, for I hold that most convenient, that all may arise from those things that are simple, and not so laborious, toMathematical Sciences.."

"...now I am come to Mathematical Sciences, and this place requires that I show some experiments concerning Catoptrick glasses...."


"...Also in old monuments and histories it is declared, that there was a King of Egypt, whose name was Marrhes, who bred up a tame Rook, and this he made use of for a winged messenger, so often as he had need..."


Martial - (Marcus Valerius Martialis), A.D. c.40-c.104, Roman poet; b. Spain. His verses, characterized by a twist of wit at the end of each and by original meter and form, became models for the modern epigram.

"... Martial writes, that, "Basil-royal degenerates into wild Betony," if it be laid open to the sun's hotest and greatest force..."

"...After this manner I have lapped up Bees and Lizards in Amber, which I have show to many, and they have been persuaded that they were the Bees and Lizards that Martial speaks of..."


Matron - A wife or a widow, especially, one who has borne children; a woman of staid or motherly manners.

"...And if we provide for young women, we must do as much for aged Matrons, especially, if it fall out that they grow Hoary too soon..."


Saint Justin Martyr, c.100-c.165, is recognized as one of the most important early Christian writers. A Samarian, he studied in different schools of philosophy--Stoic, Peripatetic, Pythagorean, and Platonic--before becoming a Christian. Justin took up the task of making a reasoned defense of Christianity to outsiders. He went to Rome and opened a school of philosophy. Justin is the reputed author of a vast number of treatises, but the only authentic remaining works are two Apologies, his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, and fragments of On the Resurrection. Justin was beheaded in 165.

Peter Martyr

"...Toads are presently gendered of the drops wherewith they water their houses, as Peter Martyr writes..."

Justin Martyr, Saint (?)


"... Homer says, the Massagetae did the like, and that there are trees whose fruit cast into the fire, will make all that are near to be drunk and foolish.  For they will presently rise from their seats, and fall to leaping and dancing..."


Masterwort - A tall and coarse European umbelliferous plant (Peucedanum Ostruthium, formerly Imperatoria). (b) The Astrantia major, a European umbelliferous plant with a showy colored involucre. (c) Improperly, the cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum).

"...Cattle that use to feed on Masterwort, and to be first cleansed, will grow very fat, and their flesh will be exceeding sweet. Pliny..."

Mastic \ Mastick                        

Mastic - A low shrubby tree of the genus Pistacia (P. Lentiscus), growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, and producing a valuable resin; -- called also, mastic tree.

"...The ancients used the decoction of the Lote Tree rasp, which we call Melo Fiocco.  And so they made their hair red.  Or else, by burning the Foeces of the old Wine, as I said, they added Oil of Mastick thereto, which they provided thus to the purpose..."

"...Oil of Mastick is made...Gather many grains of the Mastick tree, and let them lie in a heap for a day and a night.  Then put a basket full of those berries into any vessel, and pouring hot water thereto, tred them and press them forth.  Then from that humour that runs forth of them, the Oil of Mastick that swims on the top is poured off..."

Mastive /  Mastiff  

Mastiff - A breed of large dogs noted for strength and courage. There are various strains, differing in form and color, and characteristic of different countries.

See:  Indian-dog, Hircan-Dog

"...This is called by some a Mastiff, by others a Warrior, or a Hircan-Dog. Aristotle calls them Indian-dogs, and says, they are generated of a Dog and a Tygre..."


Match - Anything used for catching and retaining or communicating fire, made of some substance which takes fire readily, or remains burning some time; esp., a small strip or splint of wood dipped at one end in a substance which can be easily ignited by friction, as a preparation of phosphorus or chlorate of potassium.

"...And making a hole in the Clout, fasten a Cotton Match to the mixture, that when necessity is, it may take fire.  You shall learn shortly after to make the Match.  This is called a simple Rocket..."

"...You shall make your Match thus.  In a new test let the best Aqua Vita boil with Gunpowder, till it grows thick, and be like Pap..."

Mathematicks  (Mathematics)  

Mathematics - That science, or class of sciences, which treats of the exact relations existing between quantities or magnitudes, and of the methods by which, in accordance with these relations, quantities sought are deducible from other quantities known or supposed; the science of spatial and quantitative relations.

"...Take a great or small circle, as you would have your glass, and here and there cut off two part of the circumference, one to the quantity of a Pentagon, the other of a Hexagon, as is clear in the Mathematicks..."

"... Marianus the deputy opposed him.  And there being a fight at sea, by an engine made by Proclus a most excellent man, for he then was famous for his philosophy and Mathematicks..."

Mathematical Sciences  

Mathematical Science - Science of or pertaining to mathematics; according to mathematics; hence, theoretically precise; accurate; as, mathematical geography; mathematical instruments; mathematical exactness.

"...He must also know the Mathematical Sciences, and especially Astrology; for that shows how the stars are moved in the heavens..."


"... By means of such an industrious practice you avoid the necessity of braking your Matrassa everytime you want to resublime what was already sublimed. .."


Matrix - The womb. That which gives form or origin to anything; as: (a) (Mech.) The cavity in which anything is formed, and which gives it shape; a die; a mold, as for the face of a type. (b) (Min.) The earthy or stony substance in which metallic ores or crystallized minerals are found; the gangue.

"...Trotula says, we may honestly speak of this, because Conception is sometimes hindered by it, if the Matrix be too open..."

"...The Decoction of Ladies Mantel, or the juice, or distilled water of it cast into the Matrix, will so contract it, that Whores can scarce be known from maids..."


"...The Weapon Salve...Given heretofore to Maximilian the Emperor, by Paracelsus, experimented by him, and was always very much accounted of by him while he lived..."
