New recordings will be made for 2019 where possible. When not possible, use the recordings below (if the link works) or those from 2012.

2019 recordings
the audio should be listened to with headphones given that it is not studio-quality sound and some students are far away from the microphone
1/30 (fast forward through breakout groups and other irrelevant recording)


Part 1: Introductions https://youtu.be/TCXbPqQzhQU
Part 2: Rapid PBL https://youtu.be/KjeTFWIes8c
Part 3: Rapid PBL (continued) https://youtu.be/hGceW5V_oVI
Part 4: Mini-lecture on PBL https://youtu.be/pNbf1br6I3w


Part One, Dialogue Hour on PBL https://youtu.be/A6p1_jRBEFw
Part Two, Workshop, part A https://youtu.be/KCnf08GE44M
Part Two, Workshop, part B https://youtu.be/IO38St9tADc

Mini-lecture for Topic of Session 3, Interpreting ideas about nature https://youtu.be/m27AKyyU124

2014 recordings
the audio should be listened to with headphones given that it is not studio-quality sound and some students are far away from the microphone
9/10, Introductions
Class audio:
Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/RecVZApFryM

Class audio:

Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/jmhUWKC5Zz0
Follow-up with slides and audio from 2012:


Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/rlZmoouErDk


Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/FhZPlCV8icw


Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/yJ15f-0H0iM

1. Some comments about installments http://youtu.be/jHiGTniBq2w
2. Some technical or formatting issues to help make the blog user friendly: http://youtu.be/PZ-daZf4MEw

Fast forward through periods where the class is working on its own

Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/oINFMkhNy2Y


Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/McXtEwa0uY8

Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/t8XPuLFmc6I


Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/nFa-O4GzRDU


Mini-lecture video: http://youtu.be/RQC46k64Gh0


We started with a sense of place map, http://www.faculty.umb.edu/peter_taylor/SenseOfPlaceMap.html
then the dialogue:
Finally, the closing circle:

2012 recordings
To make sense of these links from 2012, refer also to the Syllabus12 and to the notes about how to Prepare for class sessions. Note: Classes 6 & 7 are switched in 2014.
the audio should be listened to with headphones given that it is not studio-quality sound.

1 (9/6) Introductions to the course, the other participants, and project-based learning (PBL)
Class activity a:
Class activity b:

2 (mini-lecture 9/6; class 9/13) Workshop to develop initial ideas of activities to engage others in critical thinking about the life sciences in their social context
3 (mini-lecture 9/13; class 9/20) Interpreting ideas about nature as ideas about society
Person A: When I hear people say, "Nature tells us.." I hear them telling me their views about the way they want people/society to do things.
Person B: I still think it is important to know what is natural and what is unnatural. Otherwise anything is acceptable.
4 (mini-lecture 9/20; class 9/27) Biological origin stories and their structure
5 (mini-lecture 9/27; class 10/4) Multiple layers of a scientific theory: Reconstructing Darwin's presentation of natural selection
6 (mini-lecture 10/4; class 10/11) Metaphors of control and coordination in development
7 (mini-lecture 10/11) What causes a disease? -- Beriberi
The rest of this session happens without a class meeting. It is asynchronous and you can start any time. It will work best if you all try to complete it by Friday.
8 (mini-lecture 10/18; class 10/25) What causes a disease? -- Pellagra (Styles of causal explanation & their relation to ideas about politics or social action)
9 (mini-lecture 10/25; class 11/1) How changeable are IQ test scores?
10 (mini-lecture 11/1; class 11/8) Social negotiations around genetic screening
11 (mini-lecture 11/8; class 11/15) Intersecting processes -- Complexities of environment and development in the age of DNA
11/22--No class meeting
12 (11/29) Presentations on learning/engagement units and their development over the semester
13 (12/6) Taking Stock of Course: Where have we come and where do we go from here?