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To document skills in use of operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, slide shows, web-browsing, web searching, and web page development.



Web Links 

Example Spreadsheet 

Example Webpage 


Skills to Demonstrate

1.  Operating Systems.  Affirm that you can create a folder and a file on a computer and move the file from one folder to another.  Also affirm that you have played music on a computer.

2.  Word Processing.  Submit a copy of a paper you have written that contains citations, a footnote, a table, and references.

3.  Spreadsheets.  Provide a copy or a printout of a spreadsheet you’ve created.  It must have at least one formula and a chart.  If you created a spreadsheet for Community Portraits, that will meet this criterion.

4.  E-mail.  Send me an e-mail, with a document attached.  It could be item 2 or 3 above.

5.  Slide Shows.  Provide a file or a printout of a slide show you’ve created.  The slide show must have a graphic image inserted into it and the background of a box or of a slide must be changed from all white.

6.  Web Browsing.  Provide a one-page print out of a web search.

7.  Web Site Creation.  Provide a printout of a web site you’ve created.  It may be created by saving the slide show as HTML output if you do not have a current site.

Submission of Demonstration

Demonstration of the seven skills can be submitted to my mailbox in the CPCS faculty offices or at my office.  You may also e-mail the content to me or snail mail it to me.