CE2. Constructing: Best practices for fostering mathematical thinking
(A CE in which students learn as much as possible about how mathematical thinking is presented and promoted by others.)

Imagine a continuation of the book in CE1: a section that aims to help readers appreciate the idea that everyone can think mathematically and to help them help others appreciate that idea. The end-product of this CE are drafts of entries to this section of the book, which might take the form of text, maps, schemas, mp3s, problem sets, or something else (adding up to at least 1200 words or its page-equivalent, in one or more entries). These entries should introduce and organize key resources from how mathematical thinking is presented and promoted by others, i.e., key concepts, issues and debates, references to research, quotes or paraphrases from those references, interactive activities and personal habits, people and organizations to take note of, appropriate stories. (Do not be concerned about whether your entries overlap with anyone else's.)

Some questions that might stimulate your inquiries:

The process towards the end products should involve reading and digesting as much as you can in the time available, guided by some of the questions above that interest you. The assumption (is this justified?) is that your experience undertaking CE1 before you look at how mathematical thinking is presented and promoted by others will help you to choose topics that most grab your interest and be engaged in learning about them. In any case, there is no expectation that you think like a textbook writer who has to cover every topic. Instead, you should identify a theme that can govern what your writing focuses on. Entry points for readings are given by:
(Steps to undertake and when.)
