Instructions about assignments and participation items are given in Contract section of syllabus
A. Written assignments (2/3 of grade)
session due
(if desired,
fill in actual dates)
date draft posted
date OK/RNR
A semester-long "learning/engaging" project

Initial description
3 (draft;
revision due
2 sessions later)

Installments (350-600 words) in which you adopt or adapt the themes and activities from each session (draft due one week after the session it relates to)

installment related to Session 3
4 (ditto) Session 4
5 Session 5
6 Session 6
7 Session 7
8 Session 8
9 Session 9
10 Session 10


Complete draft report

Final (1500-2500 words) report (m respond to comments on complete draft)
one week after 13

Participation and contribution to the class process (1/3 of grade)

date fulfilled
B. Syllabus quiz

C1. Prepared participation and attendance at class meetings (or timely post-class input from online asynchronous students) (=13 items)
record class dates missed or underprepared for

C2. Contributions on the blog to the revision of the chapters introduced in sessions 2-11 or to an annotated collection of new readings and other resources (6 items)
6 times, due sessions 3-12
record date of contributions

D. Weekly check-in on how you adopted/adapted themes (=9 items)
9 times, sessions 3-11
record check-in dates missed or underprepared for

E. Minimum of two in-office/phone/internet conferences on your project and other assignments, first
by session 6
insert date

by session 10
insert date

F. Comments on other students' drafts (6 items)
6 times, by session following posting, sessions 4-13
record date of comments

G. Filled-in checklist, submitted to instructor by email
one week after 13

H. Process Review on the development of your work
one week after 13

I. Narrative course evaluation completed
in session 13


For each quality "fulfilled very well" you get **. You get * if you "did an OK job, but there was room for more development/attention." You get no stars for "to be honest, this still needs serious attention." Total of **s x 5/6 [to be implemented next time] = extra points added to grade.
1. A sequence of assignments keeping to the weekly due dates with timely revisions,

2. often revised thoroughly and with new thinking in response to comments.

3. Project innovative, well planned and carried out with considerable initiative, and

4. indicates that you will be able to engagie others in learning and critical thinking on your topic.

5. Project report clear and well structured,

6. with supporting references and detail, and professionally presented.

7. Active, prepared participation for and learning from session activities.

Active contribution to building the class as learning community, evident in
8. contributions to the revision of the chapters and to the annotated reading and resource list, and

9. comments on presentations and peer review of drafts.

Weekly check-ins, installments, and process review, which show:
10. Consistent work outside sessions,

11. deep reflection on your development through the semester, and

12. map of the future directions in which you plan to develop.