Laurel E. Radwin, Ph.D., RN, CS



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Dr. Laurel E. Radwin, Assistant Professor in the Department of Adult and Gerontological Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, has been awarded a $575,500 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award from the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, Public Health Service (2001-2006).


During the five-year award period, Dr. Radwin will conduct several studies  that will be guided by the Quality Health Outcomes Model and will build upon Dr. Radwin's middle-range theory of high quality cancer nursing care.  She will examine the relations among cancer patients' health outcomes and patient characteristics, system characteristics, and patient-centered nursing care. Dr Radwin anticipates using the findings to refine the Quality Health Outcomes Model and to inform the delivery of high quality cancer nursing care.


Dr. Radwin will also complete an intensive plan of study including multidisciplinary colloquia and coursework in health services research, health outcomes, health care models, and advanced statistical methods. She will be mentored by a distinguished group of nurse scientists, social scientists, and methodologists.


Dr. Jacqueline Fawcett of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences is Dr. Radwin's sponsor, and Dr. Floyd Fowler of the Center for Survey Research is a co-sponsor.