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Metaphysical Thoughts: Part 2, Chapter 2.
Concerning the Unity of God.

    We have often wondered at the futile arguments by which some have sought to establish the unity of God. For example, such as the following: "If one being is able to create the world, more than one would be superfluous; and, if all things work toward some end, they must have a common source." Other similar arguments might be mentioned where proof is sought from relative or extrinsic elements. Since such ideas are sometimes held, we shall, in the following order, and as clearly and as briefly possible, give our demonstration.

God is a single being.
    Among the attributes of God we enumerate perfect knowledge, and add that His perfection all arises from His own being. But if you say that there are many Gods or perfect beings, all of them must be omniscient. It would not be sufficient for each one merely to know himself. For as each is omniscient he must understand all other beings as well as himself. From which it would follow that the omniscience of each depends partly upon himself and partly upon another. Therefore such a being would not be absolutely perfect. That is, God would not be a being who derives all of his perfection from Himself. But we have already shown that God is in every way perfect and that He exists by virtue of His own power. From which we conclude that God is one being. For if there were many gods it would follow that the absolutely perfect being would have an imperfection, which is absurd. So much concerning the unity of God.
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