Roadmap of Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things (Course Materials are available at Blackboard System)

  • Attendance (5 points), midterm exam (20 points), final exam (30 points), and projects (45 points)
  • (20 points final exam + 10 points final paper for graduate student)
  • Projects
    1. (10 p) Building a voice asssitant skill (Alexa)
    2. (10 p) Experiments on https and certificate
    3. (10 p) Experiments on ARP poisoning attack and denial of service attack
    4. (15 p) Team project on IoT
  • Week 1
    1. Introduction to course, and introduction to IoT
    2. IoT security challenges and security incidents
    3. IoT security design principles
  • Week 2
    1. Voice assistant system and home IoT privacy
    2. Privacy techniques to protect home IoT privacy
    3. Introduction to Alexa skills
  • Week 3
    1. Voice assitant experiments: Alexa Practice with Fact and CLI
    2. Voice assitant experiments: Alexa Practice with SLOT and JSON
    3. Voice authentication and home IoT security
  • Week 4
    1. Security techniques to protect home IoT security
    2. Introduction to RasperryPi
    3. IoT applications with RasperryPi, and demo of RasperryPi
  • Week 5
    1. Demo: Using Alexa to remotely control RasperryPi
    2. Demo: Using htp post to remotely control RasperryPi
    3. Demo: Running Google Home on RasperryPi
  • Week 6
    1. Network security: SSL/TLS
    2. Network security: Building trust with https. Checking https traffic on virtual machine
    3. Network security: Demo: certificate and https
  • Week 7
    1. Midterm review
    2. Mitterm exam
    3. IoT crypto basis: password authentication and discussion on dictionary attacks
  • Week 8
    1. IoT crypto basis: hash and signature
    2. IoT crypto basis: symmetric encryption and key distribution center
    3. IoT crypto basis: asymmetric encryption and certificate authority
  • Week 9
    1. Public key cryptosystem: Advantage and computational assumption, factoring challenge
    2. RSA encryption and its security analysis
    3. RSA signature and its security analysis
  • Week 10
    1. Network security: ARP table and ARP protocol
    2. Network security: ARP poisoning attacks on unencrypted http traffic
    3. Network security: TCP protocol and SYN flooding attacks
  • Week 11
    1. Bitcoin. What is the crypto currency? What security needs to be guaranteed?
    2. Blockchain from user's perspecive. Transactions, blocks, and blockchains.
    3. Blockchain from miner's perspective. Proof of work, fork problem, and consensus.
  • Week 12
    1. Blockchain summary and its applications
    2. IoT challenges and the need of Blockchain
    3. Blockchain and IoT case study
  • Week 13
    1. IoT application 1: Autonomous Vehicles
    2. IoT application 2: Medical Implantables
    3. IoT application 3: Industrial Control System
  • Week 14
    1. Final review
    2. Presentation session 1 (3 groups)
    3. Presentation session 2 (3 groups)
  • Week 15
    1. Q&A
    2. Q&A