
William Holmes

Office: W4-144/31.  Hours: Tues, 11:30-12:30;  Wed, 3:30-pm-5:30pm; Thurs, 5:30pm-6:30pm

Phone: 287-7328.  Fax: 287-7384
Email:; Web Site:



 Mark, Henry, and Julnes.  Evaluation: An Integrated Framework for Understanding, Guiding, and Improving Policies and Programs.   San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2000.



To gain an integrated understanding of the purposes of program monitoring and evaluation, the processes by which it is done, and the results it is supposed to achieve.



  1. Select and describe a program that you will use as your case example during the semester.  Provide a Logic Model for the program. Identify value assumptions of the program.
  2. Discuss existing procedures your case study program uses for describing itself.  Describe procedures for collecting information used in describing the program.  Discuss their strengths and weaknesses.  Propose possible improvements or changes to descriptive process.
  3. Discuss causal assumptions your case study program.   Identify theories upon which these causal assumptions are based and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. Give an example of how a causal assumption affects what the program does.  Discuss how a different causal assumption might alter the program. Assess pros and cons of making this different assumption.
  4. Provide a plan for monitoring or evaluating  an aspect of your program. Link the plan to the Logic Model for the program. Identify causal and value assumptions of your plan.  Discuss realistic constraints on the monitoring or evaluation.



While monitoring and evaluation often borrows from the work of others, plagiarism is forbidden.  In written assignments, presented facts must have a source citation.  Borrowed exact wordage must be in quotes and also with a citation.



Students with a disability who wish an accommodation are encouraged to discuss this with the instructor.



  1                    Overview of Program Monitoring and Evaluation

                        Reading: MHJ, Chapter 1


;2              ;            Value Assumptions and Causal Assumptions in Monitoring and


Reading: MHJ, Chapter 2


;3              ;            Purposes in Monitoring and Evaluating

                     Reading: MHJ, Chapter 3

                     Assignment 1 Due


;4              ;            Inquiry Modes for Monitoring and Evaluating

                     Reading: MHJ, Chapter 4


;5              ;            Planning to Monitor and Evaluate

                        Reading: MHJ, Chapter 5


;6              ;            The Reality of Monitoring and Evaluation

                     Reading: MHJ, Chapter 6


  7                    Description

                        Reading: MHJ, Chapter 7


  8                    Description (continued)

                        Assignment 2 Due


  9                    Classification

                        Reading: MHJ, Chapter 8


10                    Causal Analysis

                        Reading: MHJ, Chapter 9


;11                ;            Causal Analysis (continued)(Thanksgiving Eve)

                        Assignment 3 Due


;12                ;            Values Based Monitoring and Evaluating

                        Reading, MHJ, Chapter 10


13                    Values Based Monitoring and Evaluating (continued)

                        Reading: MHJ, Conclusion


;14                ;             Presentations of Plans for Monitoring or Evaluating

                        Assignment 4 Due


15                    Presentations and Conclusion