[holmes logo]WILLIAM HOLMES RECENT PUBLICATIONS [Publication Icon]

Updated 11/6/2011.


 Minimizing pregroup differences with matching and adjustment.” Presented at meetings of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, California. With Lenore J. Olsen. 2011.


 Using propensity scores with small samples.” Presented at meetings of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, Texas. With Lenore J. Olsen. 2010.

"Wrongful Convictions in Capital Cases and the Legacy of Lynching."  Presented at meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, 2002.

"Wrongful Convictions and Sentences to Capital Punishment."  in S. Westervelt and J Humphrey (eds.)  Wrongly Convicted: When Justice Fails. Rutgers University Press, 2001.

Family Abuse: Theory, Consequnces, Response.  With Sylvia Mignon and Calvin Larsen. New York: Allyn&Bacon, 2001.

"Illegal Convictions and Sentences to Capital Punishment" Criminal Justice Policy Review, 10 (1999): 103-116.

"Police Recruits Attitudes Towards the Death Penalty," Criminal Justice Policy Review, 10 (1999): 14-24.

"Police Response to Elder Abuse Training." Presented at meetings of the Academy for Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, 1998.

"Employee Injuries and Convenience Store Robberies in Selected Metropolitain Areas." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 38 (1996): 714-720. With H.E. Amandus, D. Zahm, R. Friedmann, R.B. Ruback, C. Block, J. Weiss, D. Rogan, T. Bynum, D. Hoffman, R. McManus, J. Malcan, C. Wellford, and D. Kessler.

"Ambulatory Elderly Patients of Primary Care Physicians: Funcional, Psychosocial, and Environmental Predictors of Need for Social Work Care Management." Social Work in Health Care. 22 (1996): 1-19. With B. Berkman, S. Shearer, W.J. Simmons, M. White, M. Robinson, S. Sampson, D. Allison, and J. Thomson.

"NCHIP Firearms Research." Presented at JRSA meetings 1996

"The Geriatric Oncology Patient: Ageism in Social Work Practice." Journal of Gerontologic Social Work. 23 (1996):201-221. With E. Rohan, B. Berkman, and S. Walker.

"Evaluating Domestic Violence Programs." Presented at JRSA meetings 1995. With R. Kohl and D. Brensilber.

"Police Response to Mandatory Arrest Laws." Crime and Delinquency 41 (1995): 430-442. With Sylvia Mignon.

"Checklist for Institutional Response to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents," In C.M. Renzetti, M.T. Segal, and H. Ehrlich (eds.) Teaching About and Responding to Hate Crimes on Campus: a Resource Guide. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association, 1994.

"Guidelines for Campus Police Hate Crime Training." In C.M. Renzetti, M.T. Segal, and H. Ehrlich (eds.) Teaching About and Responding to Hate Crimes on Campus: a Resource Guide. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association, 1994.

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