P114-Morning –Summer’08

Extra Credit #5

Due August 18, 2008

Team #____________

Member #1_____________________

Member #2_____________________

Member #3_____________________

Member #4_____________________


-Only members with their names on this cover sheet will receive credits.

-Collaborations between team members are encouraged; however one or two authors will be responsible for one problem and may be asked to explain it.

-The authors should present the solution on a blank sheet with their names on it. Submissions from a same team should be stapled together

-Solutions should include “self-explained” diagrams/sketches, with minimal wording. Neat presentation will count toward the problem grading.


1.-  Artificial Sunset: Why is the sky blue? Why is the sunset reddish? Design one experiment to simulate both the sunset and blue sky in the lab.


2.-   Solar energy: Do some research and provide numbers about how large a solar panel need to be so to provide enough energy to run a computer a day with 8 hours of sun light. Assume a computer needs 100kWh a day.


3.- Space communication: show your calculations of how long does it take for an EM signal to travel to and from the Moon; repeat for Mercury. How can we overcome these limitations for the future of passenger space travel?