<--Service & Institutional Development || Contents pages for: Personal Statement | Portfolio



Since I received my 4th. year review 16 months ago, which gave a strong endorsement of my CCT-based work, questions have been raised about the institutional location, mission, and even survival of CCT. Although I would have preferred a stable context for my work, I have responded constructively and taken initiative in ways that the following table summarizes.

My ability to adapt to change and uncertainty in institutional need is evident in this table and in the earlier sections of this statement. Let me affirm, however, that my ideal is to continue the scholarly development described in this statement and serve UMB from a base in CCT, which would continue as an innovative graduate program for mid-career teachers and other educators as well as for leaders or change-agents in other kinds of organizations.

At this point the CCT Program remains housed in the GCOE in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) and so for the purposes of this tenure review I would like to assume that the mission of the CCT Program will be seen as part of--not apart from--the educational mission of C&I and GCOE. The materials I and others are submitting should document contributions and an impact beyond my primary responsibilities in the CCT Program. Nevertheless, my hope is that formal changes in expectations for CCT and thus for my work at UMB will be left as a matter for consultation with the full CCT faculty after my tenure decision. Anyhow, whatever emerges from these processes of review and institutional change, I look forward, as long as I am involved in public education, to continue learning about how to secure space and support for critical thinking and reflective practice, especially about environment, science and society.
<--Service & Institutional Development || Contents pages for: Personal Statement | Portfolio