
The most important thanks are to the many, many students in the research courses taught by Peter and, more recently, Jeremy who have allowed us to experiment with and refine the tools, processes, and frameworks presented in this book. Many people and several organizations have played a role at some point in the exploration and articulation of the tools, processes, and frameworks, and in their translation into book form. In chronological order—and with apologies to those whose contributions we have overlooked—thanks to Mac Post, Ann Blum, Greg Tewksbury, Peter Schwartz, Bruce Lewenstein, Mary K Redmond, Barbara Legendre, Keith Hjortshoj, Peter Elbow, Ken (Mac) Brown, Gwen Mills, Brenda Dervin, the International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives, the Institute of Cultural Affairs (Toronto), Duncan Holmes, Ellen Fogarty, Jo Nelson, Emmett Schaeffer, Tom Flanagan, the International Association of Facilitators, Steve Fifield, Allyn Bradford, Nina Greenwald, the New England Workshop on Science and Social Change, Vivette García-Deister, Mary Frangie, Kristen Bennett, Matthew Puma, Laura Rancatore, Cole Conlin, Jane LaChance, Michelle Hardy, Paul Dobbs, Chris Young, the Vision Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Noah Rubin, Renessa Ciampa-Brewer, Michael Marcus, Paola Di Stefano, and Rebecca May. Finally, thanks to readers who submit suggestions for changes and additions to this book via the online forum,