"Syllabus Quiz"

An important exercise to acquaint you with the different dimensions of the syllabus, requirements, and on-line materials. It helps no-one if you find yourself still confused half way through the course about where to find instructions, when you could have spent time at the start to get acquainted with the course materials and ask questions to help you -- and probably other students -- clarify things.
Q: Why not spend time in class sessions going over the materials?
A: It is more effective for each student to do this at their own pace and then we can spend the precious class time on specific, focused questions.

Q: Why not make this info available as needed (rather than having to spend a block of time at the start)?
A: Most of the info you need is available through the links to each session on the syllabus and on wordpress site, so if you feel comfortable navigating those two sites on the web, don't spend lots of time on the quiz.

Copy and paste this quiz into a word file, insert your name into the file, then insert the answer or check off in the left margin when you have completed any item.

Technology Set-Up

The specific technological competencies you will need for this course are listed in section II of the syllabus. At this point, get on top of (or get help on)

Course materials

All course materials can be accessed via the wordpress site, which links to an online version of this Syllabus. So, create a bookmark on your browser to the wordpress site.

Take note of the organization of the syllabus so you can see what information you need to refer to early or often.

Students who prefer to refer to hard copies should download and print out the syllabus, then add post-its to help access the different sections.

Watch this video to help find your way around. (Tip: Come back to it again if you need help locating what you need to prepare in weeks ahead.)

Your private assignment checklist post (and links to it) also provide details about the assignments, expectations, and rationale. At this point, navigate to this using the category Checklist&Comments then review this for the overall organization, not for the details.

Get an overview the full syllabus and requirements.

Get an overview of how to compose blog posts, https://crcrth650mathematicalthinking.wordpress.com/instructions-2/

More tasks to get set up and running

Sign up for first conference: office hours openings. What should happen at this conference?

Take a first look at preparation for session 2 and 3 and note the next 3 things that you need to do.

The first Participation Item to be completed is? When is it due?

Looking way ahead, what are the key things to keep in mind about completing an Incomplete grade, if you end up needing to request one?

What is something you need clarified re: course materials, technological set-up, etc?

Take note of answers given to questions posted as replies to this wordpress post

Copy your word file of this syllabus quiz in a reply to this wordpress post by start of session 2.