
*       “Achilles versus the Tortoise: The Battle over Modus Ponens. (An Aristotelian Argument).” Philosophia, 31, forthcoming

*      “The Murderer Returns. A Reply on Zombies to Jamie Phillips,” Southwest Philosophy Review, 16 (2000), 195-200.

*  “Skeptics versus Dogmatics: The Battle over the Criterion,” Dialectica, 53 (1999), 61-71.

*  “Ordinary versus Super Omniscient Interpreters,” Philosophical Quarterly, 49 (1999), 72-7.

*  “Zombies v. Materialists: The Battle over Conceivability,” Southwest Philosophy Review, 14 (1998), 131-138.

*  (with P. Erdi and T. Gröbler) “On the Double Architecture of the Semantic Memory,” Nature, Cogfnition and System II, M. E. Carvallo (ed.), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1992, 193-203.

*  (with T. Gröbler and P. Erdi) “On the Dynamic Organization of Memory. A Mathematical Model of Associative Free Recall,” Biological Cybernetics, 65 (1991), 73-79.

*  Néhány megjegyzés a vers létéről. Játék Faludy György ürügyén.” [Some Remarksabout the Existence of Poems: A Game on Faludy’s Heine Translation,” – in Hungarian] Jelenkor, 1993

*  A zsibbasztó rája fogságából. Interpretáció Platón Menónjához.” [Escaping from the

*  Torpedo Fish. Interpreting Plato’s Meno.” – in Hungarian], Gond 2/1992.

*  (editor with Kövesdi, P.; Szilágyi, M.): “Megfúvom fűzfa lantomat” [An Anthology on Amusingly Bad Poems—in Hungarian], Budapest: Mora, 1990.

*  (with Erdei, H.): "Élet a zsidó gimnáziumban" [On the History of the Jewish Secondary School at Budapest—in Hungarian], História, 1988.




*  “Ascending without Circularity: Descartes’s Justification of the Clear and Distinct Perceptions,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology’s Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, 1999; and Department Colloquium at Central Connecticut State University, 1999

*  “Exclusive Justification and the Lottery Paradox,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology’s Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1998

*  “What Do Our Counterparts Eat? Beliefs, References and the Skeptic’s Scenarios,”Annual Meeting of APA (Pacific), Los Angeles, CA, 1998

*  “Zombies v. Materialists: The Battle over Conceivability,” Southwestern Philosophical Society’s Annual Meeting: Memphis, TN, 1997

*  “Skeptics versus Dogmatics: The Battle over the Criterion,” Emory University Graduate Conference, 1997

*      “Achilles and the Tortoise on Modus Ponens: The End of The Story,” Syracuse University Graduate Conference, 1997


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