The Beethoven Page



            Beethoven: Piano Concerto in E Flat, W.o.O. 4, Romance Cantabile (H12), and Ritterballet

                        (W.o.O. 1), Centaur Records [recording/mastering complete; production in progress

                        at Centaur Records], with pianist Grigorios Zamparas, Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic

                        Orchestra, Zlin, Czech Republic.

            Beethoven: Piano Concerto in D, Op. 61; Piano Concerto Movement in D, Anh. 7, Centaur

                        Records CRC2640 (2004), with pianist Linnea Bardarson , Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic Orchestra, Zlin, Czech Republic




            International Society for the Promotion and Investigation of Wind Music  (IGEB):

                        Oberwoelt, Austria, July, 2004: “The Braunschweiger Scores: Weingartner, Leinsdorf, and  Beethoven’s Eroica Winds”



            “The Holst Septet for Winds,” JBR, XXIV/1 (Fall, 1988), 52-58 [comparison of early Holst with early Beethoven].


            About personal work:


            Music Professor Reconstructs Beethoven’s Earliest Piano Concertoby Anne-Marie Kent in The University Reporter VIII, No. 10, p. 3.

            “Music and Mystery” by Mimi Yeh in The Mass Media, XXXVIII, No. 26 (April 15, 2004).




            The Brauenschweiger Scores: Weingartner and Leinsdorf on Beethoven’s First Four Symphonies (in progress).