Dutch Politics: Struggles Between Republicans and Orangists


Meeting in the 17th Century of the States General of the United Provinces (Later called Holland or the Netherlands)


Building where the States General Met


Flag of the Dutch Republic


William I of Orange, Opponent of Spanish Rule


William II of Orange, Stadtholder before DeWitt's Election as Chief Pensioner


Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Prominent Republican Statesman and Remonstrant, Illegally Executed by the Counter-Remonstrants


Satire on the Party of van Oldenbarnevelt


Execution of Oldenbarnevelt


Hugo Grotius, Jurist, Philosopher of Natural Law, and Supporter of Oldenbarnevelt, Arrested with Him But Not Executed


Spinoza's Friend, Johan DeWitt, Chief Pensionary (i.e. President) of the States General during the "Stadtholderless" Republic, and His Brother Cornelius (in the Background)


The DeWitt Brothers


Johan DeWitt


In Johan DeWitt's Hand


Political Murder of the DeWitt Brothers by a Calvinist-Orangist  Mob


The Disemboweled Bodies of the DeWitts


The DeWitt Brothers Immortalized


The Orangist Reaction


William III of Orange, Stadtholder after the Assassination of the DeWitts, Who Also Became King of England in 1689


Bride of William III and Queen of England, Mary II, Daughter of the English King, James II