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Magic and Divination
in the Neo-Assyrian Period:
A Selected Bibliography

by Lorenzo Verderame

The following bibliography was collected during the work for my PhD dissertation, The Role of the “Scholar” (ummânu) in the Neo-Assyrian Period, defended at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” on 4/24/2004 (see the abstract).

  1. Abou Assaf, A., P. Bordreuil, et al. (1982). La statue de Tell Fekherye et son inscription bilingue assyro-araméenne. Recherches sur les grandes Civilisations. Cahier 7.
  2. Abusch, T. (1974). Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Literature: Texts and Studies I. The Nature of Maqlû: Its Character, Divisions, and Calendrical Setting. JNES 33: 251-262.
  3. Abusch, T. (1984). Magical and Medical Texts: Further Joins and Duplicates. RA 78: 93-94.
  4. Abusch, T. (1985). Dismissal by Authorities: šuškunu and Related Matters. JCS 37: 91-100.
  5. Abusch, T. (1989). The Demonic Image of the Witch in Standard Babylonian Literature: The Reworking of Popular Conceptions by Learned Exorcists, in J. Neusner, E.S. Frerichs and P.V. McCracken Flesher, Religion, Science, and Magic in Concert and in Conflict, New York: 27-58.
  6. Abusch, T. (1999). Witchcraft and the Anger of the Personal God, in T. Abusch and K. van der Toorn, Mesopotamian Magic. Textual, Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives, Ancient Magic and Divination 1, Groningen: 83-121.
  7. Abusch, T. (2002). The Socio-Religious Framework of the Babylonian Witchcraft Ceremony Maqlû. Some Observations on the Introductory Section of the Text, Part I, in T. Abusch, Riches Hidden in Secret Places. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen, Winona Lake: 1-34.
  8. Abusch, T. (2003). Blessing and Praise in Ancient Mesopotamian Incantations, in W. Sallaberger, K. Volk and A. Zgoll, Literatur, Politik und Recht in Mesopotamien. Festschrift für Claus Wilcke, Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 14, Wiesbaden: 1-14.
  9. Adamson, P. (1988). Some Infective and Allergic Conditions in Ancient Mesopotamia. RA 82: 163-171.
  10. Adamson, P. (1990). Some Anatomical and Pathological Terms in Akkadian. RA 84: 27-32.
  11. Adamson, P. (1993). An Assessment of Some Akkadian Medical Terms. RA 87: 153-159.
  12. al-Rawi, F.N.H. (1989). The Second Tablet of “Isum and Erra”. Iraq 51: 111-122.
  13. al-Rawi, F.N.H. (1992). Two Old Akkadian Letters Concerning the Offices of kala’um and nārum. ZA 82: 180-185.
  14. al-Rawi, F.N.H. and A.R. George (1991-92). Enuma Anu Enlil XIV and Other Early Astronomical Tables. AfO 38-39: 52-72.
  15. Alster, B. (1972). Dumuzi’s Dream. Aspects of Oral Poetry in a Sumerian Myth. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 1. Copenhagen.
  16. Alster, B. (1972). A Sumerian Incantation against Gall. Orientalia 41: 349-358.
  17. Alster, B. (1989). An Akkadian Animal Proverb and the Assyrian Letter ABL 555. JCS 41: 187-193.
  18. Alster, B. (1991). Incantation to Utu. AcSum 13: 27-96.
  19. Alster, B. (1992). Corrections and Additions to Incantation to Utu. AcSum 14: 425.
  20. Alster, B. (1997). Proverbs of Ancient Sumer. Bethesda.
  21. Amandry, P. (1966). La divination en Grèce: état actuel de quelques problèmes, in F. Wendel, La divination en Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines. XIVe Rencontre assyriologique internationale (Strasbourg, 2-6 juillet 1965), Paris: 171-178.
  22. Anbar, M. (1981). L’activité divinatoire de l’āpilum. RA 75: 91.
  23. Andrae, W. (1923). Farbige Keramik aus Assur und ihre Vorstufen in altassyrischen Wandmalereien. Berlin.
  24. Archi, A. (1975). L’ornitomanzia ittita. SMEA 16: 119-180.
  25. Arnaud, L. (1996). L’édition ougaritienne de la série astrologique «Éclipses du dieu-Soleil». Semitica 45: 7-18.
  26. Arndt-Jeamart, J. (1992). Zur Konstruktion und Stimmung von Saiteninstrumenten nach den Musikalischen Keilschrifttexten. Orientalia 61: 425-447.
  27. Arneth, M. (1999). “Möge Šamaš dich in das Hirtenamt über die vier Weltgegenden einsetzen”. Der “Krönungshymnus Assurbanipals” (SAA III, 11) und die Solarisierung des neuassyrischen Königtums. ZAR 5: 28-53.
  28. Aro, J. (1966). Remarks on the Practice of Extispicy in the Time of Esarhaddon, in F. Wendel, La divination en Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines. XIVe Rencontre assyriologique internationale (Strasbourg, 2-6 juillet 1965), Paris: 109-117.
  29. Aro, J. and J. Nougayrol (1973). Trois nouveaux recueils d’haruspicine ancienne. RA 67: 41-56.
  30. Artzi, P. The King and the Evil Portending, Ominous Sign in His House (EA 358), in RAI 25: 317-320.
  31. Astour, M. (1992). Sparagmos, Omophagia, and Estatic Prophecy at Mari. UF 24: 23-39.
  32. Atac, M.-A. (2003). Scribal-sacerdotal agency in the production of the Neo-Assyrian palace reliefs: toward a hermeneutics of iconography. PhD Dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  33. Avalos, H. (1995). Illness and Health Care in the Ancient Near East. The Role of the Temple in Greece, Mesopotamia, and Israel. Harvard Semitic Monographs 54. Atlanta.
  34. Baker, H.D., ed., The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. 2/I: H-K. Helsinki.
  35. Baker, H.D., ed., The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. 2/II: L-N. Helsinki.
  36. Baker, H.D. (2002). Approaches to Akkadian Name-Giving in First-Millennium BC Mesopotamia, in C. Wunsch, Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, 4 October 2002, Babylonische Archive Band 1, Dresden: 1-24.
  37. Baker, H.D., ed., The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. 3/I: P-Ṣ. Helsinki.
  38. Barrelet, M.-T. (1977). Un inventaire de Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta: Textiles décorés assyriens et autres. RA 71: 51-92.
  39. Battini, L. (1996). La localisation des archives du palais sud-ouest de Ninive. RA 90: 33-40.
  40. Bauer, T. (1933). Das Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals. Assyriologische Bibliothek. N.F. 1-2. Leipzig.
  41. Bauer, T. (1936). Eine Sammlung von Himmels Vorzeichen (review of Šileiko, Mondlaufprognosen, 1927). ZA 43: 308-314.
  42. Bayliss, M. (1973). The Cult of Dead Kin in Assyria and Babylonia. Iraq 35: 115-125.
  43. Beaulieu, P.-A. (1992). New Light on Secret Knowledge in Late Babylonian Culture. ZA 82: 98-111.
  44. Beaulieu, P.-A. (1993). The Impact of Month-Lenghts on the Neo-Babylonian Cultic Calendar. ZA 83: 66-87.
  45. Beaulieu, P.-A. and J.P. Britton (1994). Rituals for an Eclipse Possibility in the 8th Year of Cyrus. JCS 46: 73-86.
  46. Beckman, G. and B.R. Foster (1988). Assyrian Scholarly Texts in the Yale Babylonian Collection, in E. Leichty, M. d. Ellis and P. Gerardi, A Scientific Humanist. Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs, Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 9, Philadelphia: 1-32.
  47. Berlejung, A. (1998). Die Theologie der Bilder. Herstellung und Einweihung von Kultbildern in Mesopotamien und die alttestamentliche Bilderpolemik. OBO 162. Göttingen.
  48. Betrò, M. (2000). La storia del Mago Hi-Hor: variazioni egiziane sul tema di Ahiqar, in P. Negri Scafa and P. Gentili, Donum Natalicium, Roma.
  49. Bezold, C. (1889-1914). Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, I-V. London.
  50. Biggs, R. (1969). A propos des textes de libanomancie. RA 63: 73-74.
  51. Biggs, R.D. (1966). Le lapis-lazuli dans les textes sumériens archaïques. RA 60: 175-176.
  52. Biggs, R.D. (1967). More Babylonian “Prophecies”. Iraq 29: 117-132.
  53. Biggs, R.D. (1967). SÀ.ZI.GA. Ancient Mesopotamian Potency Incantations. TCS 2. Locust Valley.
  54. Biggs, R.D. (1968). An Esoteric Babylonian Commentary. RA 62: 51-58.
  55. Biggs, R.D. (1969). Qutnu, maṣrahu and Related Terms in Babylonian Extispicy. RA 63: 159-167.
  56. Biggs, R.D. (1974). A Babylonian Extispicy Text Concerning Holes. JNES 33: 351-356.
  57. Biggs, R.D. (1985). The Babylonian Prophecies and the Astrological Traditions of Mesopotamia. JCS 37: 86-90.
  58. Biggs, R.D. (1987-90). Medizin, in Reallexikon der Assyriologie VII, Berlin - New York: 623-629.
  59. Biggs, R.D. (1991). Ergotism and Other Mycotoxicoses in Ancient Mesopotamia? AuOr 9: 15-21.
  60. Biggs, R.D. (1995). Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health in Ancient Mesopotamia, in J.M. Sasson, Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, 3, New York: 1911-1924.
  61. Biggs, R.D. (2000). Conception, Contraception, and Abortion in Ancient Mesopotamia, in A.R. George and I.L. Finkel, Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W.G. Lambert, Winona Lake: 1-13.
  62. Biggs, R.D. and M.W. Stolper (1983). A Babylonian Omen Text from Susiana. RA 77: 155-162.
  63. Black, J. (2003). Sumerian Noises: Ideophones in Context, in W. Sallaberger, K. Volk and A. Zgoll, Literatur, Politik und Recht in Mesopotamien. Festschrift für Claus Wilcke, Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 14, Wiesbaden: 35-52.
  64. Black, J.A. (1984). Sumerian Grammar in Babylonian Theory. Studia Pohl SM 12. Rome.
  65. Bloch, R. (1966). Liberté et déterminisme dans la divination étrusque et romaine, in F. Wendel, La divination en Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines. XIVe Rencontre assyriologique internationale (Strasbourg, 2-6 juillet 1965), Paris: 159-170.
  66. Böck, B. (2000). “An Esoteric Babylonian Commentary” Revisited. JAOS 120: 615-620.
  67. Böck, B. (2000). Die Babylonisch-assyrische Morphoskopie. AfO 27. Wien.
  68. Böck, B. (2003). “When You Perform the Ritual of ‘Rubbing’”: On Medicine and Magic in Ancient Mesopotamia. JNES 62: 1-16.
  69. Boden, P.J. (1998). The Mesopotamian Washing Mouth (Mīs Pî) Ritual. Near Eastern Studies.
  70. Borger, R. (1956). Die Inschriften Asarhaddons Königs von Assyrien. AfO Beiheft 9. Graz.
  71. Borger, R. (1957). niṣīrti bārûti, Geheimlehre der Haruspizin. BiOr 14: 190-195.
  72. Borger, R. (1957-75). Geheimwissen, in Reallexikon der Assyriologie III, Berlin - New York: 188-191.
  73. Borger, R. (1967). Das dritte “Haus” der Serie bīt rimki. JCS 21: 1-17.
  74. Borger, R. (1969). Die erste Teiltafel der zi-pà-Beschwörung (ASKT 11), in K. Bergerhof, M. Dietrich and O. Loretz, Lišān Mithurti. Festschrift Wolfram Freigerr von Soden zum 19. VI. 1968 gewidmet von Schülern und Mitarbeitern, AOAT 1, Neukirchen-Vluyn: 1-22.
  75. Borger, R. (1969-70). Bemerkungen zu den akkadischen Kolophonen. WdO 5: 165-171.
  76. Borger, R. (1969-70). Neues Material zu ASKT Nr. 11. WdO 5: 172-175.
  77. Borger, R. (1970). Notes brèves 8. RA 64: 188.
  78. Borger, R. (1971). Das Tempelbau-Ritual K 48+. ZA 61: 71-80.
  79. Borger, R. (1971). Weiteres Material zu V R 50-51 (JCS 21, S.1-17). ZA 61: 84-88.
  80. Borger, R. (1971). Zum Handerhebingsgebet an Nanna-Sin IV R 9. ZA 61: 80-83.
  81. Borger, R. (1973). Die Weihe eines Enlil-Priesters. BiOr 30: 163-176, pls. I-IV.
  82. Borger, R. (1973). Kelshrifttexte verschiedenen Inhalts, in M.A. Beek and A.A. Kampman, Symbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamicae, Festschrift Th. de Liagre Böhl, Leiden: 38-55.
  83. Borger, R. (1973). Tonmänchen und Puppen. BiOr 30: 176-183, pls. V-VII.
  84. Borger, R. (1974). Die Beschwörungsserie bīt mēseri und die Himmelfahrt Henochs. JNES 33: 183-196.
  85. Borger, R. (1996). Beiträge zum Inschriftwerk Assurbanipals. Wiesbaden.
  86. Borger, R. (2000). Šurpu II, III, IV und VIII in “Partitur”, in A.R. George and I.L. Finkel, Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W.G. Lambert, Winona Lake: 15-90.
  87. Bottéro, J. (1974). Symptômes, signes, écritures, in Divination et Rationalité, Paris: 70-197.
  88. Bottéro, J. (1983). Les morts et l’au-delà dans les rituels en accadien contre l’action des «revenants». ZA 73: 153-203.
  89. Bottéro, J. (1985). Mythes et rites de Babylone. Paris.
  90. Bottéro, J. (1987-90). Magie, in Reallexikon der Assyriologie VII, Berlin - New York: 200-234.
  91. Bottéro, J. (1991). Mesopotamia. La scrittura, la mentalità e gli dèi. Torino.
  92. Bottéro, J. (1993). L’exorcisme et le culte privé en Mésopotamie, in E. Matsushima, Official Cult and Popular Religion in the Ancient Near East, Colloquium on the Ancient Near East 1, Heidelberg: 31-39.
  93. Braun-Holzinger, E.A. (1999). Apotropaic Figures at Mesopotamian Temples in the Third and Second Millennia, in T. Abusch and K. van der Toorn, Mesopotamian Magic. Textual, Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives, Ancient Magic and Divination 1, Groningen: 149-172.
  94. Brinkman, J. (1965). Elamite Military Aid to Merodach-Baladan. JNES 24: 161-166.
  95. Brinkman, J. (1968). A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158-722 BC. Analecta Orientalia 43. Roma.
  96. Brinkman, J. (1977). Notes on Arameans and Chaldeans in Southern Babylonia in the Early Seventh Century B.C. Orientalia 46: 304-325.
  97. Brinkman, J. (1983). Bēl-ibni’s Letters in the Time of Sargon and Sennacherib. RA 77: 175-176.
  98. Brinkman, J. (1983). Through a Glass Darkly: Esarhaddon’s Retrospects on the Downfall of Babylon. JAOS 103: 35-42.
  99. Brown, D. (2000). Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology. CM 18. Groningen.
  100. Brown, D. and M. Linssen (1997). BM 134701=1965-10-14,1 and the Hellenistic Period Eclipse Ritual from Uruk. RA 91: 147-166.
  101. Buccellati, G. and R.D. Biggs (1969). Cuneiform Texts from Nippur. The Eigth and Ninth Seasons. Assyriological Studies 17. Chicago.
  102. Butler, S.A.L. (1998). Mesopotamian Conceptions of Dreams and Dream Rituals. AOAT 258. Münster.
  103. Çaǧirgan, G. and W.G. Lambert (1991-93). The Late Babylonian Kislīmu Ritual for Esagil. JCS 43-45: 89-106.
  104. Cagni, L. (1969). L’epopea di Erra. Studi Semitici 34. Roma.
  105. Calmeyer, P. (1970). Federkränze und Musik, in A. Finet, Actes de la XVII Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale: 184-195.
  106. Caplice, R. (1965). Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. I. Orientalia 34: 105-131, pls. XV-XVIII.
  107. Caplice, R. (1967). Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. II. Orientalia 36: 1-38, pls. I-VI.
  108. Caplice, R. (1967). Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. III. Orientalia 36: 273-298, pls. LVIII-LXII.
  109. Caplice, R. (1967). Participants in the Namburbi Rituals. CBQ 29: 346-352.
  110. Caplice, R. (1970). Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. IV. Orientalia 39: 111-151, pls. I-IX.
  111. Caplice, R. (1971). Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. V. Orientalia 40: 133-183, pls. II-XVIII.
  112. Caplice, R. (1974). An Apotropaion against Fungus. JNES 33: 345-349.
  113. Castel, C. (1995). Contexte archéologique et statut des documents. Les textes retrouvés dans les maisons mésopotamiennes du Ier millénaire av.J.C. RA 89: 109-137.
  114. Cavigneaux, A. (1980-83). Lexikalische Listen, in Reallexikon der Assyriologie VI: 609-641.
  115. Cavigneaux, A. (1982). Remarques sur les Commentaires a Labat TDP 1. JCS 34: 231-241.
  116. Cavigneaux, A. (1987). Aux sources du Midrash: l’hermeneutique babylonienne. AuOr 5: 243-255.
  117. Cavigneaux, A. (1994). Magica Mariana. RA 88: 155-161.
  118. Cavigneaux, A. (1999). A Scholar’s Library in Meturan? With an Edition of the Tablet H 72 (Textes de Tel Haddad VII), in T. Abusch and K. van der Toorn, Mesopotamian Magic. Textual, Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives, Ancient Magic and Divination 1, Groningen: 251-273.
  119. Cavigneaux, A. and F.N.H. al-Rawi (1993). Textes Magiques de Tell Haddad. ZA 83: 170-205.
  120. Cavigneaux, A. and F.N.H. al-Rawi (1995). Textes Magiques de Tell Haddad (Textes de Tell Haddad II). Deuxième partie. ZA 85: 19-46.
  121. Cavigneaux, A. and F.N.H. al-Rawi (1995). Textes Magiques de Tell Haddad (Textes de Tell Haddad II). Troisième partie. ZA 85: 169-220.
  122. Charpin, D. (1979). A propos d’une consultation oraculaire. RA 73: 187-188.
  123. Charpin, D. (1986). Le clergé d’Ur au siècle d’Hammurabi (XIXe-XVIIIe siècles Av. J.-C.). Paris.
  124. Charpin, D. (1989). Un quartier de Nippur et le problème des écoles à l’époque paléo-babylonienne. RA 83: 97-112.
  125. Charpin, D. (1990). Un quartier de Nippur et le problème des écoles à l’époque paléo-babylonienne (suite). RA 84: 1-16.
  126. Charpin, D. (2001). Prophètes et rois dans le Proche-Orient amorrite, in A. Lemaire, Prophètes et rois. Bible et Proche-Orient, Paris: 21-53.
  127. Civil, M. (1974). Medical Commentaries from Nippur. JNES 33: 329-338.
  128. Civil, M. (1975). Lexicography, in S.N. Kramer, Sumerological studies in honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on his seventieth birthday, June 7, 1974, Assyriological Studies 20, Chicago.
  129. Civil, M. (1985). Sur les “livres d’écolier” à l’époque paléo-babylonienne, in J.-M. Durand and J.-R. Kupper, Miscellanea Babylonica. Mélanges offerts a Maurice Birot, Paris: 67-78.
  130. Civil, M. (1987). Feeding Dumuzi’s Sheep. The Lexicon as a Source of Literary Inspiration, in F. Rochberg-Halton, Language, Literature, and History. Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner, American Oriental Series 67, New Haven: 37-55.
  131. Civil, M. (2000). From the Epistolary of the Edubba, in A.R. George and I.L. Finkel, Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W.G. Lambert, Winona Lake: 105-118.
  132. Cogan, M. (1977). Ashurbanipal Prism F. Notes on Scribal Techniques and Editorial Procedures. JCS 29: 97-107.
  133. Cohen, M.E. (1981). Sumerian hymnology: the Eršemma. HUCA Suppl. 2. Cincinnati.
  134. Cohen, M.E. (1988). The canonical lamentations of ancient Mesopotamia. Potomac.
  135. Cohen, M.E. (1993). The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East. Bethesda, Maryland.
  136. Cole, S.W. and P. Machinist (1998). Letters from Priests to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. SAA 13. Helsinki.
  137. Collins, B.J. (1990). The Puppy in Hittite Ritual. JCS 42: 211-226.
  138. Collon, D. (1999). Depictions of Priests and Priestesses in the Ancient Near East, in K. Watanabe, Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East, Colloquium on the Ancient Near East 2, Heidelberg: 17-46.
  139. Contenau, G. (1938). La médecine en Assyrie et en Babylonie. Paris.
  140. Contenau, G. (1940). La divination chez les Assyriens et les Babyloniens. Avec 13 figures, 1 carte et 8 gravures hors texte. Paris.
  141. Contenau, G. (1947). La magie chez les Assyriens et les Babyloniens. Paris.
  142. Contenau, G. (1950). La vie quotidienne à Babylone et en Assyrie. Paris.
  143. Conti, G. (1988). Su una nuova attestazione di i7-zubi(r). RA 82: 115-129.
  144. Cooper, J.S. (1988). Warrior, Devastating Deluge, Destroyer of Hostile Lands: A Sumerian Šuila to Marduk, in E. Leichty, M. d. Ellis and P. Gerardi, A Scientific Humanist. Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs, Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 9, Philadelphia: 83-93.
  145. Cooper, J.S. (1991). Posing the Sumerian Question: Race and Scholarship in the Early History of Assyriology. AuOr 9: 47-66.
  146. Cornelius, F. (1966). Die Mondfinsternis von Akkad, in F. Wendel, La divination en Mésopotamie ancienne et dans les régions voisines. XIVe Rencontre assyriologique internationale (Strasbourg, 2-6 juillet 1965), Paris: 125-129.
  147. Craig (1895-97). Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts Being Prayers, Oracles, Hymns & c. Assyriologische Bibliothek 13. Leipzig.
  148. D’Agostino, F. (2001). Il medico come figura comica presso gli assiro-babilonesi. AuOr 19: 207-223.
  149. Da Riva, R. and E. Frahm (1999-2000). Šamaš-šumu-ukīn, die Herrin von Ninive und das babylonische Königssiegel. AfO 46-47: 156-182.
  150. Damdamayev, M.A. (1983). Babylonian Scribes in the First Millennium B.C. (in Russian). Moskow.
  151. De Cesari, C. (2002). Graves as Public Space? Some Questions about Possible “Public” Aspects of Graves and Cemeteries in Ancient Mesopotamia. AoF 29: 355-366.
  152. De Meis, S. and H. Hunger (1998). Astronomical Dating of Assyrian and Babylonian Reports. Serie Orientale Roma 81. Roma.
  153. De Meyer, L. (1989). Une lettre d’Ur-Utu galamah à une divinité, in M. Lebeau and P. Talon, Akkadica Supplementum 6, Leuven: 41-43.
  154. De Odorico, M. (1995). The use of numbers and quantifications in the Assyrian royal inscriptions. State Archives of Assyria Studies 3. Helsinki.
  155. deJong Ellis, M. (1989). Observations on Mesopotamian Oracles and Prophetic Texts: Literary and Historiographic Considerations. JCS 41: 127-186.
  156. Deller, K. (1959). Lautlehre des Neuassyrischen. Vienna.
  157. Deller, K. (1961). Die Verdrängung des Grundstamms von ezēbu durch rammû in neuassyrischen. Orientalia 30: 345-354.
  158. Deller, K. (1961). Zur Terminologie neuassyrischer Urkunden. WZKM 57: 173-196.
  159. Deller, K. (1962). Studien zur neuassyrischen Orthographie. Orientalia 31: 225-235.
  160. Deller, K. (1962). Zweisilbige Lautwerte des Typs KVKV im Neuassyrischen. Orientalia 31: 7-26.
  161. Deller, K. (1964). Getreidekursangaben in neuassyrischen Rechtsurkunden. Orientalia 33: 257-261.
  162. Deller, K. (1965). OLZ 134.
  163. Deller, K. (1965). Review of CAD A1, 1964. Orientalia 34: 259-274.
  164. Deller, K. (1969). Die Briefe des Adad-šumu-uṣur, in K. Bergerhof, M. Dietrich and O. Loretz, Lišān Mithurti. Festschrift Wolfram Freigerr von Soden zum 19. VI. 1968 gewidmet von Schülern und Mitarbeitern, AOAT 1, Neukirchen-Vluyn.
  165. Deller, K. (1982). Das Siegel des Schreibers Aššur-šumī-aṣbat, Sohn des Rībāte. BaM 13: 143-154.
  166. Deller, K. (1984). Assyrisch um/nzarhu und Hebräisch ’äzraḥ. ZA 74: 235-239.
  167. Deller, K. (1987). Assurbanipal in der Gartenlaube. BaM 18: 229-238.
  168. Deller, K. (1987). SAG.DU UR.MAH. Eine Nachlese. BaM 18: 219-220.
  169. Deller, K. (1987). The Sealed Burial Chamber. SAAB 1: 69-71.
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