Witchcraft and the Occult, 1400-1700

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General objectives of the class

Course introduction  Course outline

Course readings        Questions for class

Reading witchcraft texts    Writing and assessment

Bibliographies:  preliminary   primary sources    secondary sources

Occult philosophers: Marsilio Ficino      Agrippa von Nettesheim

Giordano Bruno   John Dee       Tommaso Campanella

Girolamo Cardano

Chiromancy and Girolamo Cardano     Renaissance astrological medicine

Alchemical philosophers: introduction to alchemy/chemistry

Paracelsus           Georg Agricola

Michael Maier            Robert Fludd

Demonologists:  before the Malleus     the Malleus Maleficarum

Ulrich Molitor  Johann Weyer      Jean Bodin

Nicolas Rémy  Pierre de Lancre     F. M. Guazzo

Topics:  shamanism   werewolves    ghosts and spectres

gender and witchcraft       medicine and the demonic

modern psychological explanations    mere imaginings?

the roles of children     truth and the languages of accusation

monsters   the "English stereotype"      demonic possession

Judicial torture and execution methods

The Devil and the Reformation

Regions: the devils of Loudun (France)  Newes from Scotland (1591)

the earlier English cases   the Lancashire witches

Later English cases and their decline       New England cases

Iceland: magic and witches

Outsiders' accounts:  Lapland    the Faroe Islands

Useful information: approx. statistics of cases