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  What if one does not completely rectify his Nefesh in the first incarnation?
by Rabbi Chaim Vital

"Gate of Reincarnations" Chapter Two, Section 1: Entry of  Nefesh,  Ruach &  Neshama throughout Life

Translation by Yitzchok bar Chaim

Explanation by Shabtai Teicher

When a person is born, his Nefesh enters him. If he is adequately rectified through his actions, his Ruach will enter him at the end of his thirteenth year when he becomes a "completed person." His Neshama will enter him only when he completes his twentieth year, as it says in the  Zohar (Mishpatim 94b).

This is talking about the ideal situation during a person's first gilgul, as we will soon see.

However, if he does not completely rectify his Ruach, then the Neshama will not enter him and he will remain with only his Nefesh and Ruach. Likewise, if he doesn't completely rectify his Nefesh, then he will remain with only his Nefesh, lacking both his Ruach and Neshama. The Ruach and Neshama will remain in a place known to The Holy One, Blessed is He, and there a place will be prepared for each one.

In other words, until a person is able to receive all parts of his soul, the parts he has yet to receive remain hidden away by G-d until the person is ready for them.

" He will have to die and return in order to receive the Ruach"

Now, if a person does not completely rectify his Nefesh the first time and dies, then his Nefesh will have to reincarnate, perhaps even many times, until it is sufficiently rectified. However, since he only achieved tikun through a gilgul, even after complete rectification is achieved his Ruach will not enter (unless there is a pressing need, as will be explained, G-d willing).

Had it been his first gilgul, then he could have received his Ruach while still alive in his original body. This is not the case if the rectification of the Nefesh is completed during subsequent gilgulim.

He will have to die and return in order to receive the Ruach. Furthermore, once the Ruach is sufficiently rectified, then he will also have to reincarnate before receiving a Neshama, as was the case with the Ruach.

After he finally rectifies his Nefesh and dies, in the next  reincarnation he will return with a Nefesh and a Ruach. Once the Ruach is rectified as well, then he will die and come back in another gilgul with a Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama.

If the Ruach is not sufficiently rectified, then the Nefesh and the Ruach will have to come back again, perhaps many times, until the Ruach is rectified. Once rectification is achieved, then the person will die and his Nefesh and Ruach will come back with the proper Neshama until all three are rectified. Once this is done, there is no need for any further gilgulim. When his Neshama is completed, he has become a "complete person."

To review the information previously presented in this reincarnation series so far, link to the Review of Chapter 1, click here

To link to the next article in this reincarnation series, Levels of Rectification, click here

Shabtai Teicher was born in Brooklyn in 1946 and settled in Jerusalem in 1970. He studied for over 7 years with one of the outstanding and renowned kabbalists of our generation, Rabbi Mordechai Attieh, and is a specialist in Lurianic  Kabbala.

Rabbi Chaim Vital c. 5303-5380 (c. 1543-1620 CE), major disciple of R. Isaac (Yitzchak) Luria, and responsible for publication of most of his works.

Yitzchok bar Chaim is the pseudonym of an American-born Jerusalem scholar who has studied and taught Kabbala for many years. He may be contacted through: webmaster@kabbalaonline.org. His translation (with less complex commentary) may be purchased in book form at www.judaism.com


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Visitor Comments: 2

Davida Rosenberg,2/22/2004

1) Since many of the 613 mitzvot pertain only to The Temple, why do we have to achieve them?
2) If it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement, why are we constantly on a return trip?
3) Isn't reincarnation a borrowed idea from India and the orient?


Dear Beam me up,
1) Because the mitzvot are for us, not for wood and stone, and each one has its own purification to accomplish.
2) The return trip is only if so decrees the judgment.
3) No. Indeed, tare hints in the Talmud that India-Orient took from us, not the other way around.
the concept goes back a long way in Judaism, found in old commentaries on the birth of Shet, the idea of yibum, and a few different verses in Mishpatim. for example: http://www.kabbalaonline.org/Safedteachings/sfzohar/The_Secret_of_Servitude.asp .

• Specific and General Connections 11:5
• Flesh, Tendons and Bones 11:4
• "Gate of Reincarnations - Introduction"
• Names of the Soul (Ch 1:1)

• The Holy Ari
• Ari Basics: Introduction
• Above and Before the Kabbala
• Four Aspects of the Emanated

• Visiting Souls
• Soul of the Convert
• Ten Powers of the Soul
• Standing Souls, Walking Souls