Resource Material


From Parmenides to Hegel

Parmenides: Fragments

Plato: Timaeus

Proclus: On Timaeus

Aristotle/On The Heavens




Daunt: The Universe of Aristotle and Ptolemy

O'Connor: Ptolemy

Van Helden: Ptolemaic_System

O'Connor: Greek_Astronomy

Schombert: Greek Rationalism and Cosmology

Dante's Cosmology

McAndres: Medieval Cosmology


Copernicus: Preface to De Revolutionibus

Van Helden: Tycho_Brahe

Van Helden: Kepler

Hodges: Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Galileo: Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

Schombert: Kepler to Newton

Van Helden: Bruno

Bruno: On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, Intro


Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation


Williams: Laplace and the Nebular Hypothesis

Kant, Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven

Kant:  System of Cosmological Ideas

Kant: Sceptical Exposition of Cosmological Problems

Kant: Solution of the Cosmological Problem

Hegel: Philosophy of Nature



Indian and Chinese Perspectives

Mukhopadhyay: Themes of Indian Cosmology

Chakravarty: Indian Cosmology

The Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXIX

Karuna: Buddhist Cosmology

Avatamsaka Sutra

Buddhism in Translations - § 69_ World-Cycles

Yutang Lin: Dharmadhatu


Hua Hu Jing

Liu Zhongy: Taoist Cosmogony-Intro

Liu Zhongy: Taoist Cosmogony 1

Liu Zhongy: Taoist Cosmogony 2

Liu Zhongy: Taoist Cosmogony 3



Physical Cosmology



Ned Wright's Cosmology

Wright: Cosmology_FAQ

Wands: A Brief History of Cosmology

Short: Preface to the Cosmology Section

Short: Astronomy and Cosmology

Short: The Hubble Space Telescope

Smolin: Theory of Whole Cosmos


Big Bang Cosmology and Its Rivals

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Evidence for the Big Bang

Rees: Early universe

Steady State Cosmology

Errors in the Steady State and Quasi-SS Models

Plasma cosmology




Inflation and String Cosmology

Rees: Emsemble of Universes





Shape of the universe

Largescale Structure

Topology of the Universe

The Birth, Life and Death of Stars

Continuation of Stars page

Novae, Supernovae; Neutron Stars and Pulsars

Spectral Analysis of Star Composition

Galaxy Formation


Continuation of Galaxies Page.

Images of Galaxies and Stars outside the Visible Light Range



Special Features of Galaxies

Galaxies and Their Evolution

Models for the Origin of Planetary Systems

Space-Time and Expansion of the Universe


Galaxies and the Universe



Acceleration and Dark Energy

Recent Innovations about the Concept of "Universe"

Dark energy

Dark Energy 2

Cosmos Revving Up

Accelerating universe

The Accelerating Universe

Bigger Faster Universe Expansion May Be Accelerating

Beyond Einstein Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe

Supernova found to confirm accelerating universe



Tipler: Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings Do Not Exist

Merkle: Self-Replicating Systems



Philosophical Cosmology

Anthropic Cosmological Principle

First Anthropic Argument.pdf

Barrow and Tipler on Anthropic Principle

Davies: The Synthetic Path

Berger: An Impertinent resumé of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle

The Great Filter - Are We Almost Past It?

Bostrom: Observation Selection Theory


Process Philosophy

Process Philosophy

Alfred North Whitehead


Atheistic Interpretations

Why Steven Hawking's Cosmology Precludes a Creator

Two Ways to Prove Atheism

Causation and the Logical Impossibility of a Divine Cause

Theological Misinterpretations of Current Physical Cosmology

The Pseudo-Problem of Creation in Physical Cosmology

Internal and External Causal Explanations of the Universe

Atheism, Theism and Big Bang Cosmology

Stephen Hawking's Cosmology and Theism

Simplicity and Why the Universe Exists

Einstein on a Personal God


The Other Side of Time

Smith: Can Everything Come to Be Without a Cause

Smith: The Black Hole Origin Theory of the Universe


The Ultimate Fate of the Universe

Teilhard de Chardin - Evolution

The Phenomenon of  Teilhard de Chardin

The Phenomenon of Man

Engles: Dialectic of Nature

Haldane: Daedalus




Peter Suber, Infinite Reflections

Infinite Ink The Continuum Hypothesis


Rucker: Transfinite Numbers




Strange Attractors

Chaos and Complexity \ Hypertextbook



Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, String Theory


Thermodynamics and Time

Thermodynamic Assymetry


Arrow of time





O'Connor: Gravitation

O'Connor: General_Relativity

Wright: Relatvity

NASA: Beyond Einstein Edges of Spacetime and Black Hole Horizons.htm

NASA: Beyond Einstein The Beginning of Time

NASA: Beyond Einstein Cosmic Cacophony Gravitational Waves

NASA: Beyond Einstein Scientific Goals and Missions



Quantum Mechanics

Heisenberg: The History of Quantum Theory

Stedl: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Jenkins: Some Basic Ideas About Quantum Mechanics

Ismael: Quantum Mechanics

Faye: Copenhagen Interpretation

Vaidman: Many Worlds Interpretation

Bacciagaluppi: Decoherence

Hilgevoord: The Uncertainty Principle

Bub: Entanglement

Fine: Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument

Price: The Everett Interpretation

Goldstein: Bohmian Mechanics

Smith: The_Ontological_Interpretation of the Wave Function of the Universe


String Theory

Physical Review: Supergravity

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Smashing Pictures 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Glossary  PBS.htm

NOVA  Elegant Universe  A Sense of Scale 

NOVA  Elegant Universe  Resonance in Strings 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  A Conversation with Brian Greene 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  A Theory of Everything 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Amanda Peet 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Edward Witten 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Imagining Other Dimensions 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Joe Lykken 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Sheldon Glashow 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Steven Weinberg 

NOVA  The Elegant Universe  Sylvester Gates

Dukgraff: String Theory

Wikipedia: String theory

Garisto: Curling Up Extra Dimensions

Greene: Superstring Theory

Abel and March-Russell: The search for extra dimensions


Go To Cosmological Questions