Gabriel MARCEL


Brian Thompson's home page / Fr G150 / André GIDE / François MAURIAC / Jean-Paul SARTRE /Albert Camus / André Malraux

Sites in English  

Association Présence de Gabriel Marcel

Brief Introduction to Gabriel Marcel

Marcel's "The Breaking Up of the Notion of Wisdom"

The Cautionary Ontological Approach to Technology of Gabriel Marcel

Cruelty, Human Rights and Philosophy Gabriel Marcel and one of his students

The Distinction between Problem and Mystery

Erratic Impact's notes on Gabriel Marcel's books books available on-line

Encylopedia Brittanica on Gabriel Marcel

Existentialism: Internet Resources

Existential Philosophy A brief overview, with bibliography

Existentialist: Gabriel Marcel brief note on Marcel's approach to life

Existential-Phenomenolgy Home Page

Gabriel Marcel Discussion Deck

Gabriel Marcel Resources List of internet resources on Marcel

Gabriel Marcel on Existentialism--and Life quotes from his The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel

The Gabriel Marcel Society

A Guide to Hope and Charity Marcel and Winnie the Pooh

"L'Intersubjectivité musicale chez Gabriel Marcel"

"Marcel as Counselor: Four Ideas on Other-Centered Repentence"

Perennial Philosophy Home Page

The Philosophy of Existentialism Capsule presentations of Marcel and Sartre

The Philosophy of Existentialism A good introduction with many links to other sites (my thanks to Beverly King for the lead)

"A Philosophical Basis for Abandonment" On Marcel's approach to exisntialism

The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel note and bibliography of books on Marcel

"Postmortem on a Rebirth: The Catholic Intellectual Renaissance"

"Purgatory and Hell: Forgotten Destinations"

Reflections on Gabriel Marcel's "On the Ontological Mystery"

Brian Thompson's home page / Fr G150 / André GIDE / François MAURIAC / Jean-Paul SARTRE /Albert Camus / André Malraux / top of page